Chapter 13

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The next day, it was already lunch time. Taehyung was walking back to his classroom after buying a bread and a drink at the cafeteria.

Taehyung: "Hey Jimin, let's go to the— why are you eating already?"

Jimin: "Why not?"

Taehyung: "You don't want to go to the courtyard?"

Jimin: "Just eat quickly."

Taehyung: "Something happened between you and Nayeon-senpai right?"

Jimin: "Just eat quickly."

Taehyung: "If we're not eating at the courtyard, the rooftop would be better you know?"

Jimin: "I'm going for a jog."

Taehyung: "H-hey wait!"

Jimin opened the door and almost bumped into Mina and the girls. They both quickly looked away as Mina continued walking at the hallways with her friends. Now at a distance, Jimin looked at Mina walking away, but then, Mina looked back to Jimin as both of them made eye contact. The two continued to look at each other for a few seconds until they both realized it, looking away embarrassedly.

At the rooftop...

Sana: "Jimin-kun looks like he's in a rush to practice."

Momo: "He'll surely come tomorrow right? Even though it's been days..."

Mina: 'Why wouldn't he come to the rooftop? And awhile ago, he turned and looked in my direction right? Just a simple thing, being able to make eye contact with him...makes me happy.'

The girls then heard a knock on the door of the rooftop. The door opened revealing Taehyung.

Taehyung: "Hey girls..."

Momo: "Tae-tae!"

Taehyung: "Is it okay to meet somewhere after school?"

Sana: "Huh? Nande? (why)"

Taehyung: "Well, our practice ends at 6, so since it's could wait... That's all! I'll go now!"

Momo: "And he left... So waiting until 6, what should we do until then?"

Sana: "You have work today right Momo? We can wait there."

Momo: "Oh yeah! I think Jimin and Tae-tae will pass there on the way. There's a lot of magazines there to kill time."

Mina: *nods*

Momo: "Okay! I'll text Tae-tae the address!"

Sana: "Does your crush have a shift today?"

Momo: "Nope. He's having a break today."

Momo then thought of a plan. Taehyung would invite Jimin to the cafe then they would hang out there together. Once Jimin and Mina had a good time there, Jimin would start going to the rooftop again. A perfect plan, they say.

Jimin: "Huh? I don't want to. I don't even like sweet things."

Taehyung: "It doesn't matter if we go there once in a while! Look, I heard the coffee there tastes good!"

Taehyung kept screaming but Jimin didn't bother to look back or stop as he continued walking on the way home. Lucky for Taehyung, their route on the way home passes by the cafe. When they arrived at the cafe, Taehyung quickly ducked down and told Jimin that he's having a stomachache. So Jimin didn't have a choice to wait for him. Lucky again for him, the girls inside saw him from the window. And Mina was the one to go out first.

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