Chapter 4

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Another morning came and another typical scene for the girls as they walk through the hallways.

Nayeon: "Jimin-kun! Matte yo!"

Jimin ran away as the older girl chased him.

Sana: "Wah.. She never stops huh."

Momo: "In front of many people... She's so brave.."

In class...

Sensei: "As I was saying, we can finally go on a trip tomorrow. Every year, the first years will be going to the beach to have a class volleyball tournament and to hold a barbecue so you won't be needing to prepare a bento. That's it for now, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Class President: "Stand. Bow."

As their teacher went outside, everyone started talking about their plans for their trip tomorrow.

Sana: "Should we buy some snacks on the way home?"

Momo: "Hai~ I'm also running out of snacks back at home hehe.. Looks like the second years will be going to an amusement park. So that's good for you right Mina?"

Mina: "........"

Sana: "Oh yeah Mina, you're going to the trip right?"

Mina: *shakes*

Momo: "EH?! Nande?!"

Sana: "Ever since middle school, Mina didn't attend any trips."

Momo: "So Sana-chan, you've been eating alone in your trips huh?"

Sana: "Wah hidoi~! I have other friends too!"

Momo: "Mina-chan~ You're really not coming with us? It'll be fun you know?"

Mina: *thinks for a few seconds then nods her head*

Momo: "Yatta~! Then we'll be buying more snacks later!"

The next day, all of the first year classes went to the beach.

Momo: "It's the ocean! Ah there are beach cottages too! I wanna have a picnic!"

Sensei: "Alright everyone! Girls will be in charge of the barbecue's ingredients. The boys will be in charge of setting up the volleyball net."

The boys walked to the sand near the water as they set up the volleyball net. The girls then walked to the nearby washing area as they wash all the ingredients.

Momo: "I wanna eat already~ I'm so hungry~"

Sana: "Momo you just ate 4 chips and a chocolate on the way here. How are you still hungry?"

Momo: "That's because I'm Momo..."

Mina's eyes wanders off a bit and landed on a particular someone. He and his friends were carrying the volleyball pole while laughing. Mina then felt a thump on her chest when she saw him smiled happily.

Momo: "Hoho~ Mina-chan's looking at Jimin-kun~"

Mina then went back on washing the vegetables with her poker face on like nothing happened. After finishing up everything, the boys started playing volleyball while the girls watched on the sidelines. Mina was kind of lost in her own world again when she started drawing an eyeglasses on the sand. Sana and Momo saw it and smiled at her.

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