Chapter 18

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Jimin: "Mina-san... Please go out with me."

A moment of silence came as everyone was shocked to hear Jimin confessing to Mina. They didn't expect that a guy like Jimin, who doesn't talk to any girls at school, confessing to Mina, the Flower at the Peak.

Male student 1: "What?!"

Male student 2: "You too?!"

Male student 3: "Jimin confessed!"

Male student 4: "So Jimin does like her!"

'Please go out with me.'

'Please go out with me.'

'Please go out with me.'

Upon hearing his confession, Mina stood there in silent, while squealing happily inside. They did talked about dating a couple of times, but she didn't expect for him to ask her now, especially in front of the other students.

She nodded her head slowly, shocking all of the male students and her friends. Surely, this would create more trouble for them, but she didn't care about it.

Mina: "Please...take care...of me..."

Silence surrounded them for a few seconds, until the students broke it. Shouting, crying, all you could think of what the guys who got rejected felt.

Male student 1: "NO WAY! WHY?!"

Male student 2: "DON'T JOKE AROUND!"



Male student 5: "KISAMA (You bastard!)! HOW DID YOU TRICK HER?!"


As the shouting continues, a couple of teachers arrived and scolded them for making a ruckus in the hallways, and for not attending their classes since it's already time.

Attending their respective classes, Mina's class is always filled with the students looking at her lovingly. For Jimin tho, it was filled with the guys glaring at him, wanting to kill him, but of course jokingly, you get the point.

From now on, they're now boyfriend and girlfriend. But it's not easy.

Classes ended and it was time for PE class on Mina's side. As they walked their way to the gymnasium, wearing their tracksuits, Mina and her friends passed by Jimin and Taehyung who were buying drinks on a nearby vending machine, with a couple of male students still glaring at him.

As the two noticed each other and locked gazes, the male students quickly blocked Jimin's view, now glaring harder at him. Tho in Mina's view, she could still see Jimin on a small space between the students' shoulders.

Her eyes sparkling at the sight of her first boyfriend, cheeks slightly blushing as she ignored the other students.

The students gave up, feeling more depressed, thinking why is it Jimin.

'It's not like he's good looking guy.'

'They don't suit each other.'

'I can't accept Hana-chan dating no matter who it is.'

Those were their thoughts. Of course, what would you expect for a person to have a front-row seat for a girl they like accepting a confession?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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