Chapter 10

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Not noticing that they've been holding hands, they kept running until they were on the streets, away from the festival. Mina glanced at Jimin who kept looking around, checking if they're alone. With a sigh of relief, Jimin plopped down as he got tired, still holding Mina's hand who's also tired of running.

Jimin: "Aishh... We were seen...haaa...And it had to be...haaa...Taehyung..."

Jimin said in between his breaths. He looked to Mina and noticed that they were holding hands. He quickly let go and looked to Mina who's not even flustered. She's too tired to be thinking about that. Moreover, she's also worried about what would happen once their semester started.

Jimin: "If you're asked who you went with to the festival, there will be an uproar for sure..."

The two then sat down by the side of the street. Neither tried to break the silence, but they figured it's okay since they're still catching their breaths.

Jimin: "Gomen (sorry)..."

Mina turned her head to Jimin who's looking at her apologetically. Jimin looked forward while Mina still has her gaze on the guy. She was thinking on what to say to him.

"Even if we're exposed, it's fine."

"It's not your fault."

"Don't worry, I'm happy that you came here with me."

But she can't say anything. She had many words on her mind, but she can't seem to open her mouth. Two people, watching the fireworks together. Many people would see them as a couple, and yet, neither of the two can say a word to each other.

Mina thought to herself, 'Would it be better if we didn't go to the festival? Would it be better if I didn't pushed Jimin to come with me?'

Mina then tugged Jimin's sleeve, making the guy turn to her.

Mina: "...Taehyung-kun..."

And with that, Jimin quickly grabbed Mina's hand and pulled her gently, but quickly, running where their legs lead them. Panicking again, Jimin looked around for Taehyung, which was not even around. He then looked down and realized that he held her hand again. Apologizing, he tried to let go, but the shy girl tightened her grip.

Mina: "...I lied..."

For the first time in her life, she told a lie. Yes. She hasn't told a lie ever since she was a baby. Well maybe small lies like for joking. But this lie that she told held another meaning.

Jimin: "....A lie.... Hahaha... You sure got me..."

Jimin laughed a bit as he looked around. But when he turned to Mina, he saw her lowering her head, reddened cheeks visible. He then looked away, still feeling the tight hold from Mina herself. She keep thinking to herself that for this moment, the hand that she's holding so tightly, belongs to her and hers only.

Mina: 'Even though it's very embarrassing, if I can convey my feelings to him... If I can convey to him that I want to continue this... That I want to continue staying by his side... How nice would that be..."

Mina then felt her sweat flowing out from her hand that was holding Jimin's hand. Flustered, she pulled her hand out and wiped it using her handkerchief, surprising Jimin at the sudden pull but looked away since he understood.

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