Chapter 8

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Everyday, Mina would go to school early with Sana, hoping to get the chance to see Jimin. Even though there wasn't any development, she still goes to school early. They even invited Momo but she didn't liked the idea of waking up early.

Every rest day, she hopes for the day to end faster. She hopes for tomorrow to come faster. Every day, every week, she's always hoping for the same thing. Until the day that the semester ends came.

Momo: "Atsui~! (So hot~!)"

Sana: "Well it's already summer. What would you expect?"

Momo: "I know that Sana-chan. You don't have to state the obvious."

Sana: "I could say the same thing to you."

Momo: "....."

Sana: "Anyways, there's still some time before summer vacation

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Sana: "Anyways, there's still some time before summer vacation. Wanna get a part time job?"

Mina: 'A part time job huh?'

Momo: "No! No! No! Summer vacation should be filled with fun and exciting things to do! Beach! Camping! Swimming pool! Especially this!"

Momo then took out a leaflet from her pockets. It was a fireworks festival that would be held days from now.

Sana: "Momo, I'm glad to see that you're so excited. But did you forget that you and Mina has to go for some extra lessons?"

Momo: "Sana~! Math is always difficult to understand! There's so many numbers and formulas that makes it confusing!"

Sana: "That's what Mina always say."

Momo: "By the way, the taekwondo club's training is still in progress. That's not good right?

Sana: "Definitely not."

???: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Just now, the door opened revealing Taehyung and Jimin with some breads and drinks for the group.

Momo: "Ah Tae-chan. Do you guys have extra lessons?"

Taehyung: "Nope. We can't have extra lessons or else we'll be kicked out on our clubs. Especially during summer vacation."

(A/N: I don't know if this is true in Japan but let's just go with this for the sake of the story."

Momo: "So that's how it is huh?"

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