Chapter 6

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Jimin: *thinking* 'I don't really understand girls at all...'

Another beautiful day at JYP High School. Jimin and Taehyung, as usual, in their taekwondo uniform, jogging around the school before students arrived at school as part of their training. As they jog around for another lap, the two boys saw two girls walking to the front gate.

Taehyung: "Oh! It's Hana-chan!"

Mina and Sana then looked back and saw Jimin and Taehyung. She stopped walking and bowed towards Jimin's direction. Jimin and Taehyung, who jogged slower both nodded their heads to them and continued jogging, picking up the pace.

Taehyung: "Hey! Hana-chan bowed to me! She's saying hello to me right?!"

Jimin: *thinking* 'Not you pabo (stupid). Well, maybe she was saying hello to Taehyung. And I bowed to her. Does that mean... Did I just misunderstood that?! That was so embarrassing!'

Finishing their laps, they wash themselves up using the shower rooms, changing to their school uniforms and walked to their classroom. Everyone was still doing their own thing while they wait for their teacher.

Female student 1: "Jimin and Taehyung. Before the class starts, please hand in your assignments."

Taehyung: "Oh okay! Do you need any help?"

Female student 2: "No thanks. The two of us can handle it."

Taehyung: "C'mon! Let me help~"

Taehyung took the other notebooks from the girl but accidentally hit the shoulder of the other one, as the notebooks that she were carrying fell down to the ground.

Taehyung: "Ah! Sorry about that hehe. Guess I should take care of it after all.."

Jimin, who's watching at the side, decided to help picking up the notebooks and handed it to the girl. The girl, who was a bit flustered, and her cheeks blushing, took the notebooks from him and thanked him. Nobody knew that Jimin could be helpful to girls. Ever since they met Jimin, they never saw him interact with a girl. Talking, walking beside one, handing something. Not once.

Classes started. Hours of lecturing and the bell rang. Lunch time started and the two boys went out and walked to the canteen for Taehyung to buy a meal for himself. On the way, they saw Mina, Sana and Momo with their lunch boxes.

Taehyung: "Oh! It's Hana-chan!"

Momo: "Wah~ Tae-chan you're not even greeting me" *pouts*

Taehyung: "You girls going to the roof Momoring?"

Momo: "Yep! As usual!"

Taehyung: "That must be nice, having lunch boxes. I only have bread."

As the 2 talked to each other, Jimin went ahead and passed by the group. Although he was walking a bit slow so Taehyung can catch up with him. Momo noticed Mina glancing at Jimin so she had an idea.

Momo: "Ah! Sorry to ask you this, but can you buy us a few cans of cocoa?" *gives Taehyung her coins*

Taehyung: "Sure!"

Momo: "Sore ja (Well then)! We'll wait for you at the roof!"

Upon hearing those words, Jimin almost lost his food when he dropped his lunchbox, but quickly caught it in time. Looking behind him, he saw Taehyung walking to him while the 3 girls continued walking on their way to the rooftop.

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