Chapter 16

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Mina's mom: "Mina dear?"

Both of Mina's parents walked forward to look at Mina who's looks like she's just pouting, but actually she's getting mad.

Mina's mom: "Don't be so mad dear."

Mina's dad: "We're really sorry Mina! But me and your mother just want to see him."

Mina's mom: "See honey? It's too much to suddenly invite him in."

Mina's dad: "You're right. But we already made dinner."

Mina's mom: "Gomen ne Mina-chan. We're just curious on what kind of boy is walking you home."

Mina's parents were both down. It is true that they wanted to see the boy who's with their daughter. And it's because they're worried about their own daughter, walking with someone they don't know.

Jimin stepped forward and bowed down in respect.

Jimin: "Hajimemashte. My name is Jimin. Park Jimin."

Mina's dad: "Ah. Um... Nice to meet you too."

Mina's parents both return the bow, introducing themselves as well. After introducing, silence came after, an awkward one.

Mina's mom: "Wanna come in with us?"

Mina: *shakes vigorously*

Jimin: "Seems like...your Mina-san is against it."

Both parents giggled at him. Jimin looked to them confusedly but shrugged it off. It's their first time seeing Mina rejects something like her life depends on it. But what came next shook them.

Mina: "I don't have any bad memories here..."

Mina was glad that Jimin could join their dinner, but she was worried that something might happen that might affect their relationship afterwards.

Having a dinner with your girl's family is nerve-cracking as hell. For example, the father might not like something that the boyfriend has. That's why Mina doesn't want that to happen.

Tho that's supposed to happen in some situations....

Mina's dad: "Honey...Mina-chan is talking about a guy."

Mina's mom: "She has grown up indeed."

Mina's dad: "I guess this is enough. Well then, we'll see you next time Jimin-kun."

Mina was glad that she avoided the dinner. But for Jimin...

Jimin: "If you guys don't mind, I'll take you up on your offer."

*face palms*

Way to go Jimin.

Now that he took the offer of the dinner, 4 of them were now sitting on the table, with the food that Mina's mom made, enough for 4 people.

Mina's dad: "Your Ratatouille is really the best honey."

Mina's mom: "Jimin-kun, does it suit your taste?"

Jimin: "Hai. It's delicious."

Mina's mom: "Yokata. (I'm glad)"

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