Chapter 3

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Male student 1: "Hey! Look over there!"

Female student 1: "What? What's going on?"

Male student 2: "Eh? Hana-chan?"

Male student 3: "What is she doing?"

Female student 2: "Oh~ Is there a fight going on?"

Every student, surprised on the two girls holding on Jimin's arms, especially Mina who the students didn't expect to do.

Nayeon: "Huh? What's up with you kid? Let go of him right now!"

Instead of Mina, Jimin freed his arms from the two, but the two caught him again. Jimin then saw Taehyung, who's been watching the scene the whole time with his eyes wide open, suddenly ran away screaming.

Taehyung: "Jimin no baka! It's always Jimin! Just die! WAAAA!"


Jimin freed himself again and ran away quickly, chasing Taehyung. Nayeon then glared at Mina and blamed her for Jimin running away.

Nayeon: "Hey! What's wrong with you? Show some sort of reaction come on!"

Nayeon kept nagging at Mina, but because of Mina's behavior towards people, she just stared at the bunny with an expressionless face.

Nayeon: *thinking* 'What the... this kid's eyelashes are so long! Looking up close, this girl is super cute!'

Male student 1: "Hey isn't that a second year?"

Male student 2: "Yikes! A second year starting a fight? That's scary."

Female student 1: "LOL! I bet she's jealous of how Mina-chan is cuter than her."

Female student 2: "Tell me about it!"

Nayeon, upon hearing the words of the other students, quickly walked away from the school, leaving Mina alone. Sana then walked to Mina.

Sana: "Mina daijoubu?"

Mina: *nods*

Sana: "Even so, what were you doing?"

Mina: "You know... that Jimin-kun helped me with my bag before... then what happened a while ago... I think senpai is making him uncomfortable... that's why I helped.

Sana: "Hmmm... Well since he helped you with your bag before... Hmm.."

Sana: *thinking* 'But from what I'm seeing, it's probably not that simple. Well, my sixth sense most likely isn't right anyway.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Taehyung are in the gym, doing their club activities.

Taehyung: "Hontou ni? She really did think like that?"

Jimin: "Yeah that's what that person is thinking. I helped her with her bag and now she helped me because I felt uncomfortable with Nayeon-senpai.

Taehyung: "So it's just a simple act of kindness?"

Jimin: "What? You don't believe me?"

Taehyung: "No, I believe you 100%."

Jimin: "Then what's with your attitude? Because that's all there is to it. End of story!"

Taehyung: "Well... how do I say this... You're talking a lot more... It isn't totally how you usually are."

Jimin: "That's because you're constantly putting on an unhappy expression!"

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