Chapter 11

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(A/N: I forgot that this is a JiMina ff that I forgot to post some of Jimin's pictures. Fellow ARMY readers, sorry about that 😂)

It's been 3 days that Jimin kept the act with the group. He would join them on the roof during lunch, but would quickly finish his food to leave them. And today, it only took him 10 minutes to finish his food, and left the rooftop saying he has to train. Too bad for Taehyung, he also has to finish his food quickly to catch up with Jimin.

Momo: "Well it can't be helped that they're gonna have a competition."

Sana: "Yeah, but still. He shouldn't go too far."

Mina stood up and went to the side rails, looking down at the courtyard where she always saw Jimin and Taehyung. And there she saw the two, stretching their body, preparing to take a lap, or a few laps for Jimin.

Momo: "They're really working hard huh?"

Mina: *nods*

Sana: "He really likes taekwondo."

Momo: "Only two weeks left until the competition. After it's over, he'll return back to how he was before. Don't worry Minari!"

Hearing Momo words, Mina's mood fell down. A different "before" was in her mind.

Momo: "Mina? What's wrong?!"

Sana: "She's not happy."

Mina: "...I'm worried...that he might return to how he was before...hanging out with us here..."

The girls clearly didn't expect Mina to speak up what's her mind. Mina would only whisper a few words to Sana and the latter would understand it. It's been like that ever since they were kids, but now, they were seeing Mina opening up a bit, like a little bit.

Mina: "...What if...I said something wrong...when I try to talk more..."

Momo: "Eh?"

Mina: "When we walk past each other in the hallway, it would be nice...if we could start a conversation..."

Mina looked down as she tried to hide her face, heating up a bit, maybe from the heat. Sana held her hand and led her to the mat to sit down.

Momo: "You know, when you're in front of someone you like, you really can't talk. Even I can't do it."

Sana: "Eh? You have someone you like?"

Momo: "Mmm. He's in the shop where I work at. You two probably haven't seen him. Ah don't look for him! It's so embarrassing..."

Sana: "All girls in love are like that. I don't really understand tho. So Mina, you don't have to be disappointed when you can't talk to Jimin alright? For me, I think Mina just needs to work on her own pace."

Mina nodded her head as the girls continued doing eating their lunch. If she's to work at her own pace, it would be a small progress. But Mina hoped that for every small progress she make, she could get closer to Jimin.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Taehyung were washing their faces inside the school after finishing 3 laps around the school, for Taehyung only 1 and a half. Students then started gathering up as they watch Mina, Sana and Momo walking down the stairs.

Taehyung: "So lucky for us that we get to eat with Hana-chan."

Jimin: "..."

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