Chapter 5

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(A/N: So sometimes, Jimin and Taehyung would talk in korean since they are korean but lived in Japan. So when they talk in korean, the text would be italicised. Normal when they talk in japanese. The J-line doesn't know korean in this story.)

???: "Jimin! Where are you?"

Mina and Jimin were disturbed from their moment when someone called Jimin. He looked around to see Taehyung running towards him. Jimin didn't knew why but he felt irritated of Taehyung appearing but didn't showed it.

Taehyung: "What are you doing here? And with Hana-chan?"

Jimin: "Betsu ni... And her name is Myoui-san. Why do you have to call her Hana-chan?"

Taehyung: "Heh~ What's wrong Jimin-ah? This is the first time I've seen you talk like that." *smirks*

Jimin: "Aishh. Shut up and let's go. We still have a game to play."

Mina didn't understand a word of what Jimin and Taehyung said. She only stood there as the two boys started walking away. She wanted to at least say something before Jimin goes, but she didn't know what to say. At last, she gained her courage.

Mina: "Gambatte..."

Mina said. Though it was soft and a bit quiet, she hoped that he would hear it. Jimin continued walking as Mina started losing hope. Not until Jimin stopped and looked back to her.

Jimin: "Hai!"

Jimin quickly turned red. He turned back and dashed his way back to the groups. Mina felt relieved that Jimin heard her, and was glad that he saw another cute moment of Jimin. Mina was then called by her two friends who were walking towards her smirking.

Sana: "We saw that~"

Momo: "Gambatte~"

Sana: "Hmm... When was the last time Mina talked to a boy?"

Momo: "That sounds a bit depressing you know?"

Sana: "Anyway, we left you some food. Momo was munching almost everything there."

Mina: *shakes*

Sana: "Mina? You're not hungry?"

Momo: "Sana-chan, when you're in love, then you're not hungry."

Sana: "Eh?!"

Momo: "Sore ja, I'll be eating Mina's share~"

Sana: "Dame da yo!"

Mina: "Sana-chan... Momo-chan... You girls already knew right?"

Sana: "Heh~"

Momo: "Mmfufufu... You finally noticed!"

The volleyball match is about to start but Jimin's group were not in the mood to play. Jimin was the only one who's serious to play while Taehyung and the others were lazing around. Mina and her friends arrived and sat at the side to watch. All of a sudden, everyone in Jimin's group started to hype up, feeling energetic and excited.

Momo: "Hehe~"

Sana: "Momo, you're laughing too much you know?"

Momo: "That's because *giggles*... Mina-chan said *giggles*... that to him *giggles*..."

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