Chapter 14

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Teacher: "Okay class. One more month and it's finally the cultural festival. Decide with your classmates on what will you be doing. Then the two executive members will be..."

Mina wasn't paying attention on what the teacher was saying. Yes she know that it's almost the cultural festival but what's focusing on is the one written on the board. The day the cultural festival will start is on wednesday. Yep, the day that her and Jimin would go home together.

Their first class ended and they started walking to the hallways for their next class. Their class decided to do a bowling booth. While walking, a door to a classroom opened, revealing Jimin. Mina and him looked at each other, but Jimin looked away, calling Taehyung inside.

Mina: 'Does he remember? I hope he does.'

Days passed and it was wednesday. Mina and Sana were waiting at the cafe where Momo works. It's a really long week for her.

The door opened revealing Jimin who's sweating a bit. Sana stood up and waved goodbye to Mina and Jimin so she can go home. Jimin sat down where Sana was seating a while ago as he wiped the sweats on his face.

Mina: 'Today...I should try my best to talk to him.' "Club is...very tiring right?"

Jimin: "Ah no. It was okay... Today...not at all..."

Mina: "'re sweating...a lot..."

Jimin: "Ah...That's because...I ran here...I thought you would be waiting...."

Mina: ""

Just like that, their conversation ended and they switched their attention on their drinks. It was getting dark now so they decided to walk home. Mina was proud of herself for talking to him, but it wasn't enough.

Mina: 'Yosh... (alright)' "It's almost time...for the...cultural festival...isn't it?"

Jimin: "Ah hai..."

Mina: "What is your...class doing?"

Jimin: "We do a...haunted house... What about your class Myoui-san?"

(A/N: quick note, in japan they call people by their family names if they're not that close. They would have to ask the person if they could call them by their first names.)

Mina: "Umm...bowling..." 'Somehow, we're talking... The conversation is flowing...'

But unlucky for her, both of them were still embarrassed for no reason, so the whole walk on the way home was now silent.

Late night, Mina was sitting on her bed, holding the mask on her hands. It was a precious item for her so she would hold onto it every night.

Mina: 'You ran to the cafe 'cause you thought I would be waiting... But in the school, what were you feeling?'

And another long week came. Mina would always wait for wednesday to come, since that would be the only day that Jimin would walk her home. At the rooftop, the girls were eating their lunch, but Jimin and Taehyung still haven't come to them, so they decided to let it be.

Mina then took out a small memo notebook, showing it to her friends. She then started writing some notes. It was their doings during the day, so she would have something to say to Jimin while they walk home.

The time came for them to walk home. Mina secretly took out her memo beside her to look at the notes.

Mina: "It's almost time...for the...cultural festival...isn't it?" 'Wait... I already said that last week.'

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