Chapter 2

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Another bright and beautiful morning at JYP High School.

Another bright and wonderful morning for the students as they saw Sana and Mina walking through the front gate.

Male student 1: "Ah! It's Mina-chan!"

Male student 2: "Kami-sama! Arigato gozaimasu for letting us see Mina-chan in the morning!"

Male student 3: "Ahh.. I feel like this is going to be a great day.."

Both girls heard the students talking about them but didn't mind it as they continue walking. While walking, a guy in taekwondo uniform ran passed by the two, making Sana flinch a bit. Looking closer to the guy, both of them recognized him.

Sana: "Ah! He's the guy who helped us out that day."

Mina watched Jimin as he washes his face using the tap water from the faucet. For some reason, looking at the guy washing his face made the girl mesmerized at him, seeing a sunlight and flowers on the background. Another guy ran passed by the two girls, but a hyper one that greeted both of them.

Taehyung: "Ah! Sana-chan! Hana-chan! Ohayo!" (A/N: so hana means "flower" in japanese, hence Taehyung or everyone calling Mina a flower.)

Sana got irritated by the guy who casually called them with a smiley face. 'What's up with this kid?' she thought. The two girls then got greeted by another one, but a new friend of theirs.

Momo: "Ohayo you two there!"

Sana: "Oh Momo. Ohayo!"

Mina: *nods*

Momo: "Oh! You're looking at Jimin-kun!"

Sana: "Eh? You know them?"

Momo: "Mhmm. We went to the same middle school. Also yesterday, seems like he single-handedly took care of an incident with three third years."

Sana: "Eh?! I thought he looked quiet gentle, now he looks scary."

Momo: "Don't you think he looks cool tho? Well he is good in taekwondo."

Momo waved at the boys and greeted them with a lively smile.

Momo: "Jimin-kun! Tae-chan! Ohayo~"

Taehyung: "Ah! Momoring! Ohayo!"

Sana: 'Wow they really are close..' "Matte.. Momoring?"

Momo: "That's what they call me in middle school hehe."

Taehyung: "Hey Jimin, you should say hello too. At the dojo you're like, "OSU!". What are you being shy about? C'mon!"

Jimin remained silent and just looked away, avoiding the gazes of the girls. But with the gaze of the flower still locked on him, he can't helped it.

Jimin: "Hello..."

Jimin bowed his head then dragged his buddy, Taehyung, away from the girls.

Jimin: "C'mon let's go."

Taehyung: "Eh? Let's talk more with them~"

The girls just watched the shy boy drag his lively friend away to the entrance of the building.

Sana: "His response to good morning was hello.. So he's that kind of person.."

Momo: "Jimin-kun hasn't changed since middle school. I've never seen him talk much to girls. Even to me. We would exchange greetings and that's it."

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