Chapter 17

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(A/N: Short chapter sorry :<)

Mina was bad with boys ever since she was little.

She's so cute that the boys wanted to play with her, but Mina didn't want to since they would play with fishes or the little crabs that they would pick at the river.

She's so cute that the boys would always confess to her and would ask her out, but Mina would reject them. Boys being boys, they had their prides, screaming "Ha! I don't like you anyways! Ugly!". 

During middle school, the boys would always look at her and would whisper that she's cute, she's beautiful or whatever compliments they could think of. The cocky ones, well you know... the usual attitude with "Hey why don't we hang out after school?" "Why don't you give me your number" and etc.

Mina have always wished that they would leave her alone. 

She wanted privacy.

She wanted peace.

But now... she's thinking about Jimin.

When did she start to like him?

When did her love began?

Was it the greetings every morning?

Was it the moments they would pass each other at the hallways?

Was it the farewells after schools?


Was it the time he saved her from their upperclassmen?


Was it the time when they first saw each other at the entrance ceremony?

Mina: "O....hayo... Jimin...kun..."

With those few words, with that simple greeting, Mina caused an uproar between the students, mainly the male students.

Male student 1: "Hana-chan talked!"

Male student 2: "Eh?! Why?!"

Male student 3: "She talked!"

Male student 4: "Yeah! I also heard it!"

Male student 5: "What? I've heard her talked before."

Male student 6: "Hey shut up. You're from the same class as her."

Male student 7: "But... why is it Jimin?"

Male student 8: "Now that you mentioned it, wasn't there a rumor that he was going out with Hana-chan?!"

Male student 9: "Ah! That incident near the shoe lockers?"

Male student 10: "Eh? Then the rumors about the fireworks..."

Male student 11: "What are you talking about?! There's no way that's true!"

Male student 12: "I... I saw them... walking home together on the day of the cultural festival..."

With faces of despair plastered on their faces, they turned their attentions to Jimin, who is now confused on what's happening. One student walked to him and held his shoulder rudely.

Rude student: "Oy teme (Hey bastard), what's the meaning of this?"

Taehyung: "Yah! What are you doing?!"

Rude student: "Say something ha? I'm talking to you."

Worried, Mina was about to go to Jimin but Sana stopped her to avoid any more problems. Tho it was easy for Jimin to handle it since he already twisted the rude student's arm, not to the point that he broke it, but just enough to remove the grasp from his shoulder.

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