Chapter 20

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"Good morning, guys..." Ryan yawn, "wow, this is reality that we has tournament this day and tomorrow" Seiyoung spoke while sterch her body. "you guys! im so excited, you know to win this tournament" Ava fist the air, "can you just stay still...its make me annoying, you know" Evi glared at her, "relax, Evi..." Olivia chuckle. "You guys should be ready. Our bus will coming in 10 minutes" Kana faceplam, "Yo! Good morning, everyone... are you guys already packed your things because when we finished our tournament we will straight to airport" Rei telling them. "Where we were going?" Sei asking him, "we going to Japan...they wanted us to take Koshien in Japan" Y/n saying to them with no emotional face, "Y/n, are you not in the mood, right now" Olivia worried, "you think...that old hag didn't tell me that we againts with Seido team tomorrow" Y/n crossed her arm. "This Seido team was my friends at Japan" Y/n faceplam, "but you know Y/ should face to face with them, okay?" Y/n look at her grandma face, then they coach sigh, "how did you know this information about tomorrow" Coach William ask Y/n then her grandma interrupt, "Y/n has many spy...should i said her friends are really good hacker" her grandma smirking.

"yeah,yeah..." Y/n look at the bus came here and stop at in front the school, they get in the bus and take seat. Y/n sigh heavily while others scroll their phone, "hey, Y/n" Olivia called her and Y/n just reply 'hmmm' to her. "When we arrived at Japan... You should lead us where's Tokyo, right, Oh yeah, how about we take a look a view at's will be awesome and we can keep our memories" Olivia excited while others agreeing what Olivia saying, "hmmmm...okay" Y/n just answer simple. She looked at the windom and thingking what happens tomorrow when they face to face each other and how will they react when they looked at Y/n change a little bit with they found Y/n was different with her team.

'Somethings will happens and i don't know what to say'


They arrived at baseball stadium, 'looks like many people at here to watch us playing againts Red Hawk team' . "Hey, Y/n....this was so crowded and i thinks i can not stand if crowded like this" Hateki face turn to pale, " Hateki will fainted in 5 minutes" Y/n facepalm. Coach William sweatdrop, "okay...guys, we should hurry up. Hateki will faint and i forgot he was like that when we get into crowded people like this" Coach William and Principle Sakura sigh heavily.

Albert team getting ready same with Red Hawk team, "okay,guys....this is our game and we can change this game like we always do..." Y/n smirking while they get circle group together (i don't know what people said but im forget).

Y/n take a deep breath and release it,

"Who are we?" "The most powerful house, Albert!"

"Who's the team is never give up?" "Albert!"

"Who's the team was the most challengers?" "Albert"

"Are you ready to fight?" "Yeahhhh!!!!"

"Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must! Just never give up to our championship! Let's go!" "Yeahhhhhh!!!!"

(Woahhhh! i make the shout of championship but a little to make same like Seido roar)

"They was so in fired, right cap" either one of player saying, " interesting at their captain" Captain Edward smirking. "Get ready, guys. This team was most dangerous! You should aware!" they coach shouting, "Yes, sir!" they went to baseball field same with Albert team.

"First inning, starting pitcher Kevin"

"Starting batter, Ryan"

Ryan went to the base while bow at the catcher, "nice to meet you" the catcher nod and Ryan start to get ready for first pitching, 'cannot wait for first pitching' Ryan smirk.

'You cannot hit my pitching" Kevin smirk and throw a fastball but Ryan not hit the pitching, 'i want to look your best pitching' Kevin get ready to second pitch.


"Hey, you guys! The games is start" Sawamura yelling at his senpai, "Huh? Albert vs Red Hawk" Kuramochi grin, "Where's Y/n?" Sawamura check on the tv, "are you stupid, this first inning was starting with pitcher in Red Hawk team who name's Kevin" Aika hit Sawamura head. "Why senpai being me to me, thought" Sawamura fake cry, "hahhahah...stop your drama, i cannot focus this game" Kitaki wipes her tear, "I want to look what's interesting in this pitcher" Tanba, Nori, Furuya and Sawamura focus to that pitcher. Then Aika slide her book pages, "name is Kevin Paul, his was live at UK. His age was 18 and was a top ten student in his school. He was an assistance president at school and his favourite subject was mathematics and science. In his house, he has 1 cat and 1 dog so he has 2 pet in his house. When he was 10 years old, he starting to interested in baseball and become pitcher until now. After he entered Red Hawk High School, he was known as Hawk pitching because his glaring like hawk and others reason i don't making a search, right now" Aika closed her books and look at the team who was jawdrop when she telling them earlier.

"Aika...are you stalker?" Furuya asking her wihout thinking, "are you guys shocked when i telling that?", "yeah...i don't know you get that so much information on this pitcher" Miyuki rub his head. "Thats information very useful to us" Coach Kataoka spoke behind them, they shivered when heard their coach voice, "Coach..." the said in unison except Sawamura who's called coach "boss". "what's information you get at baseball others team?" Rei asking her but she was interrupt by Miyako, "Our family has a good eyes when their interest in something that their want to know about they want too. So liked Aika and her family they was a family who's great in hacker. They knew a lot technology and they will make android to spy us...Just Y/n wanted know about this and much more she want to know about baseball" Miyako telling them and understand what its meaning for, "then can you guys just shut your mouth please...we cannit focus on this game" Hanako glared and their glup then just nod to her.

While watching it, "but Miyako i ask you about information others baseball team not your family privacy" Rei facepalm while Miyako just giggle.

To be continued...

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