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padmé's pov -

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padmé's pov -

"There is no doubt that they're tracking us down, Vader did see me." Obi-Wan starts as he is sat next to me.

"It was Anakin who you met. Darth Vader wouldn't have let you go." I raise an eyebrow at him, "I told you there was still good in him."

"I don't believe so, I just think he was busy." Obi-Wan crosses his arms over.

"We're here." I say looking at the tall mountains of Alderaan, "You get the luggage, I'll get Luke and Leia. We'll be staying here for some time."

Obi-Wan does as he was told and gets the luggage.

"Padmé? What are you doing out here?" Bail rushes over, along side Breha.

"Imperials were scoping Naboo, I didn't think they'd go as far as the Lake Side, I was wrong." I say.

"Oh, Padmé!" Breha frowns, "I'll take the kids. I'll put them in our finest room." Breha walks over and takes Luke and Leia.

"Bail, Anakin nearly saw me in that house. It's not safe." I look up at Bail, who's face is calm.

"Padmé, you can stay here for as long as you want. You too Obi-Wan." Bail smiles, "Come on in. We have plenty of room."

We follow Bail into his towering castle.


anakin's pov -

"Sir, they flew off into Alderaan. From what we know they're are four lives in that ship." Someone addresses to me, though I wasn't paying much attention.

"I see." I mumble.

"We will go to Alderaan soon, not now." I storm off towards the exit of the room I was in.

I quickly run to my chamber and let the door close behind me.

I felt something I hadn't ever felt in a while back on Naboo. It felt odd. Only something that I felt around Padmé, or a loved one.

I sat down, looking at the floor.. until I felt a presence..

"Ani?" A woman's voice chokes out..


padmé's pov -

"Padmé?" He looks up, lost, looking around, "How are yo-"

"Save it. Traitor." I could hear him, but not see him. I was in a room by myself, Obi-Wan was in a room, while Luke and Leia were with Breha.

"How can you call me a traitor?" I could hear him spit in and anger, "You brought Obi-Wan to Mustafar, you wanted me killed. You're the traitor."

"I'm not having this conversation with you." I frown, even though he wasn't able to see it, "I love you, forever and always, but I want my Anakin back."

"I want my Padmé back, but you're dead and simply a stupid voice in my head!" He shouts in frusration, "I'll never forgive myself for what I did."

That's right, Anakin just thinks I'm a voice in his head.. He thinks I died years ago. He's oblivious.

"This will hit you hard, but one day you'll find out the truth about me. Along with our child." I simply say, I get up to leave the room.

"You're not dead." I could sense a sort of smile on his face, a genuine smile.

I exit and close the door behind me and bump right into Obi-Wan.

"You won't believe who I've set eyes on. It's a big help if we bump into The Empire again." Obi-Wan smiles, excitement evident in his voice..

"Lead the way." I simply say, a soft smile on my face.


He has taken me away to the main meeting room, I can see a sort of petite frame at the other end of the meeting table..

"And all these years, I thought my friend, the Senator of Naboo, my master's awfully close friend was dead for these past.. what? 1-2 years?" I couldn't believe my eyes..

"Ahsoka." I say, running over to the girl I haven't seen since The Clone Wars, "Oh, am I glad to see you!"

"Padmé." Ahsoka hugs me, "You haven't aged a bit." Ahsoka teases.

"Oh, quiet. Look how tall you've grown." I say, remembering how small she was, and now she's grown just a bit taller than me.

"The genes." Ahsoka giggles, "Have you got Anakin with you?" Ahsoka tries to hide her smile while asking that question..

"Uh." Obi-Wan awkwardly whispers.. "If this doesn't hit you like a ton of bricks. I do not know what will." Obi-Wan frowns, "Sit down.."

We both sit down, and Obi-Wan begins.


anakin's pov -

"Padmé?" I question, not being able to hear her voice anymore, "No-"

"My Lord, we have made it to Alderaan." A trooper addresses to me, "We have asked Bail and Breha Organa to meet us out on the space port."

"Great, I need all the information about who was on that freighter." I look at the man through the mask..


i've never really seen stories bring ahsoka into the picture. even though she played some parts in anakin's turn to the dark side. but eh. some people didn't watch tcw.

may the force be with you 🤍

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