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padmé's pov -

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padmé's pov -

It was dark, the dark clouds of Coruscant up in the sky. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka ahead of me. "Have any idea on where he would be?" Ahsoka looks back at me, "Like an apartment complex?"

"I've heard rumours of a so called, 'Vader Tower'." I explain, "It was near my old apartment."

"Why do you know that?" Obi-Wan questions me as we walk towards the upper parts of Coruscant, "It's not something to just randomly be known."

"I just heard some Imperials talk about it one time.." I mumble, shrugging it off.

"Here, Padmé. Put this on. It'll keep you from being recognised." Ahsoka hands me a cloak that was a dark brown colour..

"Thank you, Ahsoka."

anakin's pov -

I'd killed them all. All of the Imperials.. All of the clones.. I'd done exactly what I had done all those years ago, for my mother..

But this wasn't for my mother.

It was for Padmé.

I sat in my tower, alone without anyone nearby. Everyone just gone.

I took off my suit and looked at myself.. No one had known that Darth Vader.. was in fact Anakin Skywalker.

He was me.

I change into some old robes and slide my boots on. I look at a box I had kept, with my old lightsaber..

Now was the time to take it back.

I picked up the lightsaber and ran out of the hell hole.

ahsoka's pov -

"Padmé. There are too many towers.. How can we know which one..?"

"Don't ask me.." Padmé scrunched up her nose, "Just use your senses.."

"Well, I don't sense his presence anywhere near by." Obi-Wan stares blankly, "And we have to be near the tower."

"I don't either. He's moved.." I breathe out in frustration, "Look, Padmé. Me and Obi-Wan will keep an eye out, you head back to the ship and spend some time with Luke and Leia, I'm sure Rex is tired of them already." I smile back at her..

"Okay, but if anything goes wrong. Just contact me." Padmé turns around and begins to walk back to where we started.

anakin's pov -

"Padmé's Nubian freighter.." I whisper to myself seeing a ship sitting on the space port..

She isn't on it. I can't feel her presence..

I begin to walk towards it.. and the doors for it were left open, I could sense people were on it though.

"Hi." A little boys voice whispers from behind me, I turn and notice that he's a familiar little boy, "I know you..."

"And I know you." I look down at him, "Where's Padmé?" The child blinks at me, confusion all over his face.

"Sorry.. I only know Obi-Wan, Uncle Rex, Leia, Ahsoka and Mummy." He smiles widely at me..


"Luke!" Padmé shouts, she ran up to him, "Anakin?"

I blink at her, "Mummy?" I squint my eyes.

Suddenly I'm knocked down to the floor..

padmé's pov -

"I hope that was just a stun, Rex." I stare at the man stood over Anakin's body, "Take him onto the ship, put cuffs on him and lay him down. I'll contact Obi-Wan and Ahsoka."



ok sorry i was watching supernanny kahsjushswg

may the force be with you x

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