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padmé's pov -

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padmé's pov -

I woke up to a bright light, I blink for a few moments and looked around.. "Obi-Wan..? Where am I? Where is Anakin? Is he alright?" I frantically ask, "Your hair had grown since the last I saw you.."

"Padmé, you're awake.." Obi-Wan smiles at me, "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Being on a ship, you were leaning over me.." I blink blankly, "And I was asking if Anakin was alright.. after the events on Mustafar.."

"Oh.." Obi-Wan frowns, "You don't remember anything else?"

"No.." I look down, my stomach was flat.. "What?" I whisper..

"What's wrong?"

"Where is my pregnancy. I seem to be lacking it.." I widen my eyes noticing it wasn't my eyes playing tricks on me..

"Padmé, your kids are fine."

"KIDS?!" I almost shout, "You're kidding.. Right?"

"No, Padmé. You had two kids, a boy named Luke and a girl called Leia." Obi-Wan explains..

"How long have I been knocked out for.." I scratch my head with curiosity clouding my head..

"It's a long story.."


"That's.." I pause after Obi-Wan explains everything to me, "A lot to handle."

"Ahsoka would be pleased to see you awake. Change into these and you'll meet someone to escort you to our room." Obi-Wan begins to get ready to leave.

"Before you exit, Ma'am. Please take one of these." A robotic voice rings from the side of me, "It'll help with any irritation."

"Thank you." I smile at the medical droid as I swallow the pill down.

I sit up and pick up the clothes that lay in a neat pile, I begin to walk off but I sense something is watching me..

"Where are you?" A mechanical, and weirdly familiar voice rings, "Are you hurt?"

I look around frantically and see a tall black figure and nothing else.. this was some type of force bond...

He wouldn't be allowed in here.

"Who are you?" I question, squinting my eye, "I don't seem to know you.."

"Padmé-" The voice starts to say something but it suddenly fades away.. I shake it off, thinking it was nothing and get changed into the clothes.


"Who made these clothes?" I furrow my eyebrows at Obi-Wan as I reach the room.. A familiar clone stood before me, "Rex?" I almost shout. I look behind him and that familiar Togruta stood holding two kids..

"Padmé! You made it out alive!" Ahsoka smiles widely, placing the two kids down, "Come here. I assume Obi-Wan told you everything?"

"Yes, he did.." I blink at the two children who were looking at my with smiles almost touching their ears..

ahsoka's pov -

"We'll leave you guys alone, we'll be back later." I wave off Padmé, Luke and Leia and exit the room with Obi-Wan and Rex.

"You didn't tell her about the whole Darth Vader being Anakin situation, did you?" Rex says from next to me in his familiar accent, "She'll flip if she found out what's happened to the Republic as well."

"She'll find out in her own time.." Obi-Wan speaks calmly, "We don't want to rush her into things."

"You're right.." I nod my head, "Did you tell her about Breha and Bail?" I ask, knowing that Bail was one of her closest friends.

"I did, she was upset.. but she took it well." Obi-Wan nods, "I've just not told her about the Republic and Ana-" He stops, "Darth Vader."

"It's Anakin." I smirk, "He's in there. I feel it. Padmé feels it. Why can't you?" I stop them both, but aiming the question at Obi-Wan, "You're like a brother to him, he's like a brother to me. He looked up to you in dark times. He thought of you as the father he has never had. I pray you're not giving up on him THAT easily." I frown and begin to walk off, drowning myself in my thoughts.


Sorry I didn't update, I was watching too much tiktok.

follow me if u want @mjsgeo

may the force be with you! <3

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