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ahsoka's pov -

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ahsoka's pov -

"So, as you know. After you left the Jedi order. Anakin was very, extremely upset." Obi-Wan explains, "As was I."

"Go on.." I push, looking at Padmé seeing her sad facial expression..

"You see, Anakin isn't exactly the man you met, and that you gave the nickname 'Sky-guy'." Obi-Wan explains softly.

"I don't understand..?" I squint my eyes at them both..

"Anakin has turned to the dark side." Padmé breathes, "He is Darth Vader."

I almost choke on the air..

"What drove him to the dark side?" I hold back tears, "He's not really gone. I would've known something."

"He showed signs of hatred when we tried to save Shmi, his mother on Tatooine. It was too late for her and he killed all of the Tusken Raiders." Padmé frowns, "He was truly heart broken."

I feel pain for him. His own mother died before he could even save her in the slightest.

"And also during The Clone Wars." Padmé nods, "Especially when it came to.. Clovis." Padmé struggles to say his name.

"Ah, I remember him." I admit, "Anakin did genuinely dislike him."

"And you leaving the Jedi Order broke him." Padmé says, "I remember he came to me, upset about it."

Obi-Wan nods, "We're so sorry about that.." He says softly.

"And when I announced I was pregnant to him.." Padmé puts her hands up to her face, "He had nightmares, and turned to the dark side not long after."

"You have a child?" I raise my eyebrows, "With Anakin?!"

"Yes, Ahsoka." Padmé smiles, "Would you like to meet them?"

"Of course!" I say, "Wait. Them?"

Padmé smiles and leads me out of the room.

Obi-Wan was left in deep thought, probably about Anakin.

anakin's pov -

"Senator Organa." I say, getting off the ship I arrived on, "It's nice to see you."

"Likewise." He smiles, "Do you have business to attend to here?" He questions me.

"Yes, actually." I nod, "I'd like to know who arrived on the Nubian Royal Starship?"

"Is there a reason?"

"It looks a lot like Senator Amidala's that got lost out on Geonosis and never retrieved." I simply shrug, "I want to know who arrived on it."

"I don't know if I can, I would if I could. I assure it's nothing and no one important." Bail explains, which I guess is reasonable.

"I understand." I nod softly.

"Don't tell me you've went soft.." Bail chuckles.

"I assure you I haven't, I'm just becoming more understanding of difficult situations." I shrug.

"After you killed The Emperor you've been a lot more nicer." Bail admits, "I think I prefer it."

"May I stay here for some days?" I ask all of a sudden, I just have an urge.

"Yes, of course." Bail nods with a smile, I could sense and odd bit of fear inside him, which again is reasonable.

"Thank you, Bail." I smile under the mask.


bail's pov -

"Breha!" I quickly run into our room as she sits on a stool at the window, over looking Alderaan, "Vader wants to stay here."

"You're kidding?" Breha almost sniggers, "He's obviously going to sense Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Padmé, Luke, and Leia." She looks at me dead in the eye, "They mean something to him in ways."

"They'll just have to keep a distance." I pinch the bridge of my nose..

"Try and take Padmé out, along with the kids as soon as you can. You do not want Vader knowing they're alive and well." Breha brushes her hair softly while looking out the widnow again.

"What if-"

"Don't say more." Breha comments, "If things to get out of hand, they have Ahsoka and Obi-Wan."

"Okay, Breha. But when this goes down hill.. don't be surprised if I say I told you so." I leave a soft kiss on her forehead and leave the room to fetch Vader.

anakin's pov

I was wondering the halls by myself and I here some babbles come from a room, so.. out of curiosity I open the door.

Behind the door are two little children, about the age of three or four. One had brown hair, and big brown eyes, and the other had light hair and bright blue eyes.

It was a cute sight. I closed the door and began to walk again.

ahsoka's pov -

"So they stored you in carbonite for three years and you haven't ages ever since the birth of Luke and Leia?" I ask almost in disbelief, "That's so cool!"

"It is." She nods, "I should be thirty one,  but instead I am only twenty eight." I explain to the young curious Ahsoka, "Leia and Luke only recently got used to me being around, as Luke was taken care of Anakin's step brother, Owen. Leia was taken here, to Alderaan to be taken care of by Bail and Breha."

"I'm so excited to see them!" I almost scream, I bet they're so adorable, "Do they look like you?"

"Leia resembles me a lot, and Luke looks like his father." Padmé smiles softly, taking me down a long hall..

"Wait." I stop Padmé in her tracks, "Anakin-"

Padmé grabs my arm and hides me and herself..

A tall man in a black suit passes by and doesn't even notice their presence.. As he walks away, Padmé breathes heavily..

"Hey, you're okay." I assure her, "He never saw us."

anakin's pov -

Ahsoka. I thought as I walked down that hall, it was an odd thing to think of, due to the fact I've never really thought much of her. It's odd in a way.


lol some of these timelines are messy but i cannot be bothered sorting them

plus, i found this really helpful for ages of characters soo...

may the force be with you 🤍

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