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anakin's pov -

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anakin's pov -

She's forgotten me? How? She knows I'm Anakin, and I could sense she wasn't joking around. She feared what she saw.. but Padmé a few days ago didn't.

Have they wiped her memory? Completely..

Am I just a forgotten memory?

The magical moments we shared with one another?

Just vanished? Like they were nothing?

padmé's pov -

I couldn't stop thinking about that dark figure. He was imprinted into my head. His sinister mask, his tinted red eyes, his mechanical breathing.

He almost seemed like..

That's not possible. Anakin wouldn't turn..

"Where's Anakin?" I ask Luke and Leia who stare blankly at me, "Your father?"

"Mummy. We don't have a Daddy." Luke crosses his arms as Leia sits next to me..

"Mummy? May I speak with you in private?" Leia whispers into my ear, so Luke couldn't over hear.

I nod, "One moment Luke, we'll be back in a few minutes."

Leia takes me by the hand and drags me out of the room into the hallways of Bespin.

"Do you remember that tall black thing? With the weird mask and buttons for a chest?" Leia says, as descriptively as she can, "The man who kept us captive for a few days.."

"Yes." I lie to my daughter, she smiles a bit, "What's up?"

"I felt a weird connection with him.." Leia whispers, "A connection that I have with Luke. A connection that I have with you."

"You think he's family." My chest tightens by the second, "As in?"

"I just thought he was my Daddy when I saw him." Leia smirks, "But we don't have a daddy, and we don't need one."


"We only need Uncle Obi-Wan, Uncle Rex and Auntie Ahsoka!" Leia exclaims as she slips off back into the room we had been talking in before hand.

Someone wasn't telling me something, and I'm going to find out what is being hidden from me.

"Ma'am, I recommend you rest for some time." A young woman with ginger hair approaches me, "Ahsoka Tano says it's for the best."

"I'd like to be taken to her. I need to ask her a few things." I smile at the young woman, her green eyes squinting at me.

"Mm, okay.." She mumbles and begins to walk to what I assume is Ahsoka's room.

"She's in there. She's most-"

I walk in and see Ahsoka meditating. I know she could sense my presence. "Padmé?" She opens up her eyes, "What's up?"

"Somethings not right.." I shake my head, "The galaxy feels different."

"It will, you've not gotten your sleep."

"Ahsoka. I will not rest until I set my eyes upon my husband. Where is Anakin?"

Ahsoka's eyes widen at me, her lips frowning upon me, "You'll see him soon."

ahsoka's pov -

I'm setting out to retrieve Anakin, along with Rex. Obi-Wan has no idea. "Padmé, what else is bugging you?" I ask as I can see her eyebrows still furrowed in confusion.

"Leia just said something funny.." Padmé smirks, "She says she thought someone was her father."

"Padmé. Go rest."

"Okay.. Okay." Padmé waves me off as she exits my room.


i think this book will be ending soon 😳

may the force be with you x

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