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ahsoka's pov -

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ahsoka's pov -

We land on the planet of Bespin. Padmé was still knocked out. Luke and Leia still asking about their mother.

"Ahsoka?" Lando's young face studies me, "The hell you doing here?" He smiles widely..

"Our friend needs help." I point at Padmé, who was being held by Obi-Wan, and Rex had Leia and Luke in his arms.

"Uh-" He blinks a few times, "Come this way.." He leads us into the city of Bespin, people wandering the halls. "Lobot, please escort.." Lando looks at Obi-Wan, waiting for him to tell him his name..


"Please take Obi-Wan to the medical centre, their friend seems to be unconscious.. and when she wakes up, tell her to put on appropriate clothing."

"What's wrong with the clothes we have?" Leia looks grumpily at Lando, "I think I look pretty!"

"You have to blend in, You all stick out like sore thumbs." He pats Leia's head softly, with a chuckle, "I'll escort you all to a room."

"Thank you, Lando." I smile at him, he nods slowly. He began to walk away.. I look back, I smile at Obi-Wan and leave.


obi-wan's pov -

I was sitting in the medical centre with Padmé laying on the bed, I had the Bespin clothes on, Padmé does not. "What is wrong with her?" I ask the robot, running multiple things at once, "We need to know so we can fix it."

"She seems to have a haemorrhage." The robot stares blankly, "Luckily, it's quite recent so we'll be able to operate on her.. And pray no harm will come her way."

"What was it caused by?"

"Lack of oxygen." It's robotic voice hums while it operates, "Some time ago, around three or four years ago."

"Well, you're free to operate on her. But with her permission. Just wait for her to wake up." I say quietly, "I'll be back."

"Also stress." It adds it's last comment, and I leave to find Ahsoka, Rex and the children.


ahsoka's pov -

"So, who's your friend? She's pretty." Lando asks, his voice curious as ever..

"She's way too old for you, plus she has a husband." I wiggle my nose at him, "you have more of a chance with a Wookiee."

"Don't jinx it." He narrows his eyes, making me laugh, "Okay, well I'm off to tell my father the news."

"You do that." I chuckle..

Obi-Wan walks into the room calmly.. "Obi-Wan! Is Padmé alright? What's wrong?" I ask, concerned for Padmé..

"She has a haemorrhage." Obi-Wan states coldly, "She will have to under go surgery. We're lucky it's only in it's early stages."

"Oh, thank the Lord." My breathing calms down, "Will she wake up anytime before that?"

"We hope so, for her permission." Obi-Wan explains quietly..

anakin's pov -

"My Lord, you seem agitated. If you like I'll keep an eye out for you while you head out?" An Imperial officer offers me..

"You're kind. I'll be back as soon as I can." I breathe through the mask. I exit the room and head down a long hall, that heads to my quarters. I stopped bare in my tracks.

Padmé. I could sense her.

I began walking faster. By the second I could sense her more. She seems quiet, normally when we connect.. She's loud, and laughing.

I turn the corner to reach my room and I could see her, but not her surroundings..



may the force be with you x

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