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ahsoka's pov -

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ahsoka's pov -

A knock is heard from the other side of my door, I assume it's either Rex, or Obi-Wan. "Come in." I lean forward on the seat I was sat on, "Obi-Wan?"

"Hello, Ahsoka.." Obi-Wan smiles lightly, "I've just came to thought."

"You mean?"

"I mean, like there is no dark presence coming from any side of the galaxy.. Not even where Ana-"

"You can call him Anakin, it's Anakin." I nod. Obi-Wan's green-ish blue eyes seem hurt..

"I miss him." Obi-Wan frowns sadly, "I'd like to accompany you to retrieve him."

"How did-"

"Rex gets quite talkative when he's put under the light." He gave me a quick smirk.

"I'll never tell him my plans again..."


"What happened to R2 and 3PO?" I ask Obi-Wan as I take a seat in the Nubian freighter, "Who has them?"

"Anakin." Obi-Wan states plainly starting up the ship, "He took them after the whole ordeal on Mustafar."

"But 3PO belongs to Padmé? He gave C-3PO to Padmé and she gave R2 to Anakin."

"I don't know why he took them, but once he's back he'll explain." Obi-Wan begins to fly the spacecraft.

"Okay, moody.." I shake my head, Rex was sat behind me looking out over the planet of Bespin.

"Hey, if we get Anakin back.. what would we do after that?" I squint my eyes..

"I'm sure Anakin and Padmé would go out to Naboo, along with Luke and Leia. I'll be headed to tell Yoda the news, and I don't know what you're doing or Rex, but that's not my main concern at the moment." Obi-Wan explains softly, with a small smile.

"I was hoping to spend the rest of my days on Coruscant, with someone I met.." Rex smiles softly, "She's something else."

"A romantic interest?" I chuckle, looking back at him, "Since when?"

"For a while." He nods, "And where are you headed to?"

"I don't know.. I don't really belong anywhere." I shrug, with a slight frown.

"I know exactly where you could go." A female voice appears, "You could accompany me on Naboo once this whole ordeal is dealt with."

"Padmé?" Obi-Wan looks surprised, "What are yo-"

"You really thought you guys could be sneaky to leave Bespin without me to retrieve MY husband? I think you all forget I'm force sensitive." She cracks a smile, "I know exactly what to do.." Padmé takes a seat next to Rex, "Luke and Leia have accompanied us also."

"Padmé, this is dangerous.. You've only been taught the force-" Obi-Wan explains..

"I was taught plenty of defence when I was Queen, Obi-Wan. Don't act as if I cannot protect myself, I can defend myself. I'm not incapable." She narrows her eyes at the Jedi..

Me and Rex let out a small snigger and we get on our way back to Coruscant.

"Still can't believe you guys tried to hide that all from me. Your lying skills aren't all special, Obi-Wan." Padmé lets out a small giggle, "Plus, looking at your children for a while, tells you EVERYTHING."

"Everything?" I question her, "As in?"

"Well what you lot didn't tell me. That the Republic was gone, that this Darth Vader character was my Anakin. When I looked into Luke's eyes for a certain extent of time, I saw Anakin's eyes, and then I saw the dark mask of Darth Vader."

"You're senses are strong." I tell Padmé the honest truth, "Now all you need is a lightsaber."

"Shut up."


I don't know how I feel about this chapter.

I don't know how I feel about the book in general. I find it quite boring.


so i just edited and made an excuse.. ha.. sorry :(


ask me questions i'm the comments if u want lol

may the force be with you x

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