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third person -

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third person -

Padmé saw Anakin, she knew Anakin was there. She saw the blue in his eyes, the blue she saw all those years ago on Tatooine.

The nine year old boy who thought she was an angel. The nine year old boy who she thought was a silly young character. The nineteen year old boy expressing his love for her. The nineteen year old boy who lost his mother but still had strength. The nineteen year old boy she married on Naboo. The twenty two year old she addressed her pregnancy to.

He was still in there, fighting the dark.

"Padmé? You look awfully pale. Do you feel alright?" Obi-Wan puts his hand up to Padmé's forehead, "You're burning up."

"Kenobi, she'll be heart torn right now. Just leave her." Ahsoka says, playing with her belt buckle..

Padmé falls asleep all of a sudden.. "She's not right." Obi-Wan whispers, "Ahsoka, do you know anywhere safe we can head to?"

"Bespin possibly. They have nurses, and I'm sure we'll be allowed to stay. I have a friend." Ahsoka sits up, watching Padmé..

"Who's this friend?"

"His names Lando. His father owns the place. I met him some time after I left the order." Ahsoka explains. Obi-wan gave her a look of uncertainty. "He's like 16 calm down." She smirks.

"Rex, can you take us to Bespin. Thank you." Obi-Wan smiles politely.. Rex nods with respect.

padmé's pov -

I was on Coruscant.. Wearing that same old makeup as I did when I was Queen of Naboo..

Why am I here?

My loyal hand maidens surround me.

I hear a familiar voice from outside the door..

"I'm... I'm looking for the handmaiden, Padmé."

"The boy is here to see Padmé."

"Send him in." Rabe says calmly.

"I'd like to speak with Padmé, if I could." Anakin's voice rung, it was more evident now than before.

"I'm sorry, Ani. Padmé is not here right now." Rabe lies, for the protection of me.

"Who is it?" I questioned, knowing who it was.

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