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padmé's pov -

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padmé's pov -

"I am not Anakin Skywalker." He states coldly, "I am Darth Vader."

"Then why did you show me and the kids mercy?" I question him, "If you were Vader you would've locked us up in cells like Rex, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka."

"You know you're different from them." He comments plainly.

"If you're Darth Vader.. then you've lost your anger." I say, "Now take the mask off."

He turns to me, "And why should I?"

"I want to see your eyes. I want to see you, not your mask."

He sighs, quietly but I could hear it.

"Only for you." He says..

He turns his back to me and takes his helmet off. He turns back around, his hair was shorter, but still had a fair amount of length..

He turns and I meet blue eyes.

Blue eyes.

Suddenly a vision in stuck in my head..

"Are you an angel?" I turn and meet a boy, light blonde hair and big blue eyes..

"What?" I question nervously..

"An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Iego I think. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They are good and kind, and so pretty they even make the most hardened space pirates cry." He exlplains..

I look at the boy, not knowing what to say..

"I've never heard of angels." I comment, walking closer the young boy.

"You must be one... maybe you just don't know it." He smiles at me, his ocean like eyes were shimmering.

"You're a funny little boy. How'd you know so much?"

The vision ended there, but I still remember what he told me after.

"Padmé?" He questions me, his eyes looking scared. I sit up. I was on the floor?

"So-sorry." I shake my head, "Something- I just had a moment.."

"Is it a normal occurance?" He asks, panic in his voice..

"No.." I raise on eyebrow, "It only happends whenever I have a vision of the past."

"What did you see?"

"You." He blinks blankly at what I had just said.

"Uh, my Lord.." An Imperial spots us, the Imperial has his eyes tightly closed. Anakin was leaning over me, as I used his arm for support, "There is commotion down stairs."

"I'm coming." He quickly puts his helmet back on and flees the scene to go see what was happening down stairs..

I stood by myself in the room, the chairs circling me.

I got bored quickly so I begin to make my way down to all the commotion. The elevator music make me chuckle slightly, it was sort of a cute touch.

The door opens and I see Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, along with Rex..

"Oh god.." I whisper to myself. "Luke and Leia.." I gasp, I begin to run towards where I was staying, but also where Luke and Leia were sleeping..

"Was that the senator of Naboo?" A mans voice fades as I run past imperials..

"Open the door." I pant, "My children are in there, and will not stay in there with all the commotion.."

"Only Lord Vader-" A trooper's voice said.

"He would want those children safe, and out of the way." I narrow my eye at the man, standing before me, "Now let me in."

"If you think so, but I won't take the blame for this." He pressed a few numbers and the door slid open.. Luke and Leia were still fast asleep..

"Luke, come now.." I lightly shakes both their shoulders, "Leia?" They wake up, awfully groggy like. I pick the two children up and flee the room..

"Thank you!" I shout at the trooper and run even faster down to the main hall.

ahsoka's pov -

"Obi-Wan, Padmé is up there!" I point out Padmé's figure standing between two stair cases..

"Go on and help her, we need to leave this planet. Now." Obi-Wan says, while blocking shots from the Imperials..

"Okay.." I mumble. I quickly jump out of the way and flee up to Padmé..

"Oh, Ahsoka." Padmé smiles, "Take Luke." She hands over the young boy..

We both begin running with the children, and meet Obi-Wan at the front entrance.

anakin's pov -

"Let them run, they will not get far." I simply say, "It's not worth our time, they're just ex Jedi, and a rogue trooper."

"Along with Amidala, and the two children."

"WHAT?" I almost shout, genuinely shocked.. "I knew I shouldn't have left her alone in that room."

padmé's pov -

We kept on running, and running until we were at the spaceport..

"Excuse me, we really, really need a lift." Obi-Wan says to what seems to be an old Togruta, "Is there any quick rides?"

"Try over there, I know a guy that gives lifts. Not for free, but for cheap."

"Thank you." Ahsoka bows, respectfully. We run in the direction of where the old Togruta male pointed..


ok i got bored so here's an update x

may the force be with you x

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