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third person -

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third person -

"Padmé.." Anakin's voice barely let's out a sound. Padmé stood at the door frame with a sad smile.

"Mother!" Luke runs up to Padmé, leaching onto her leg with his small arms, Leia runs after him.

"Anakin." Padmé sighs, "I hope you rested well."

"What even happened?" He blinks blankly, "I can't remember much after seeing you on Coruscant.."

"Rex stunned you." She explains quietly, as she keeps ahold of Luke and Leia's hands.

"You're their Mother?" He asks, a tear threatening to fall from his eyes.

"You're their Father." Padmé smiles, "I lied to protect them."

"Lying is bad." Luke sits down on the floor as Padmé and Leia sat on the couch, Leia being on Padmé's lap.

"Shut up, Luke." Leia sticks out her tongue.

"Hey, why don't you two go find Ahsoka? Hmm..?" Padmé waves off Luke and Leia and they nod and exit the room blabbering to one another.

padmé's pov -

Anakin sat down reluctantly next to me, his eyes keeping a close watch on me..

"Where do I even start?" Anakin shakes his head, "I'm sorry, Padmé. I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you, Angel. You don't deserve this.. I don't even deserve someone as kind and as gentle and you."

"Anakin. I know you've apologised to me. It's not me you have to apologise to." I explain, touching his hand, for the first time in forever, "Apologise to Obi-Wan, you said you hated him, he thinks he has failed you. Apologise to Ahsoka, for the trauma she's had to put herself through to help us. Apologise to Rex, for the brothers he lost that worked for you and the Emperor."

"I will, I promise." He holds my hand tightly, "I still am processing that I have two children.."

"There can be more if you would start acting yourself." I stood up, "I'm off to address to everyone that you're awake."

He nods and I leave.


"Obi-Wan." I enter the room where Obi-Wan was sat, smiling, looking out over the cloud city, "He's really back." I begin to cry due to realisation that everything is back to the way it is.

"Padmé.." Obi-Wan walks up to me, and hugs me tightly, "This is a good thing. You can finally have peace in your family."

"Obi-Wan, you have no idea how this feels. I feel like I'm one piece again. I've felt so empty without him. Do you know how I'm feeling?" I cry into Obi-Wan robes, "Well..?"

He was silent for some time.. "Satine. She was once what brought joy to my soul. When she died she told me she never stopped loving me, and that she always did. I felt incomplete any time before that, but of course she.. she did die in my arms." Obi-Wan explains with a calm tone, "I do know how it feels, I've known how it felt everyday since Maul took her life."

"Obi-Wan.. I'm so sorry for assuming.." I stare at him, concern written in my eyes, "You need to let your emotions out sometimes. I'm always here." I smile softly, "I'm going to check in on Anakin."


I open the door slightly, and see Anakin and Ahsoka having a chat, with Luke and Leia tugging onto both of them.

Anakin looks up and sees me, the same old smile that I always saw on Naboo was finally back.

My Ani was back.


third person -

(3 years later.)

Anakin and Padmé had settled down on Naboo, Ahsoka accompanied them on Naboo. It was the Naboo lake house they fell in love on all those years ago.

Luke and Leia were trained in the arts of the Jedi, Ahsoka training Luke, and Leia trained by Anakin.

and well..

They were expecting.


and its officially over luvs <3

hate to break it to u.

should i make a book two? or no?

(i'm not doing it)

anyways thanks for all the love, its really appriciated.


may the force be with u x

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