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padmé's pov -

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padmé's pov -

I agreed to go to Coruscant. I had no other choice. We sat in a ship he obviously traveled in, we just sat in silence.

I'm going to fight back. I will not just sit here and let myself be taken away.

We stop on the spaceport for Coruscant. People walking all over the place, it made me smile knowing the planet was still as busy as ever.

"Senator Amidala?" A voice spoke up, I assume it's a trooper..

I turn and squint my eyes at the trooper, "Do I know you?"

Vader was discussing something with his Imperials..

"If I take my helmet off I'll be recognised." His accent seems awfully familiar.

"State your name.." I whisper.. and he does so.


"How are yo-" I blink surprised, "You're not like all of them?" I smile..

"I took my chip out." He shrugs, "You're alive though."

"Padmé." His now familiar mechanical voice shouts me over, "Come."

"Yes, Vader." I frown at Rex and begin to walk behind Vader, but in front of troopers, including Rex.

rex's pov -

It's probably a bad thing she has been captured by Vader, but it's a good thing for him. I don't know if the other troopers know that he was once Anakin Skywalker, but I know.

padmé's pov -

I look up at three sky and notice the Nubian Star Freighter landing.. I hear three loud gun shots behind me..

I turn and see Rex has shot both of the troopers next to him.

The Imperials grab me, as Rex quickly runs for cover to avoid getting shot.

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka exit the Nubian Star Freighter, both with light sabers..

I quickly elbow the Imperial holding me back and he falls to the floor with a loud gasp..

I run to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, Rex does also.

"You won't live this time around, Kenobi." his mechanical voice growls, anger evident in the robotic voice..

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka take their steps slowly towards him while Rex and I go onto the ship..

"Mummy!" Luke shouts, quickly running up to me and hugging my leg, "Where did you go?" His blue eyes looked up at me, he was sad.

"I had to go so you were safe." I say, I look around for Leia but I see she's not in the ship, "Rex, take care of him." I say to Rex, and he nods respectfully.

I walk out and look, I see Leia right in front of the man we're trying to kind of avoid.

"Padmé, I tried to stop her." Ahsoka sighs, "But she's awfully stubborn."

"She gets it from him." I smile, and Ahsoka smiles back.

"Who is this?" Vader points at the young girl, He's looking straight at me.

"A child we saved from being enslaved." Ahsoka shouts out, still holding her grip on her two sabers, as was the silent Obi-Wan.

"Leia, please come over here." I say, trying to grab her attention.. but she was heavily focused on her father, who she never even knew.

"His presence is soothing." Leia whispers, "But he's broken." She closes her eyes tightly, "His heart was shattered some years ago, and hasn't healed." Leia opens her eyes and looks up at the tall figure.

"Leia, come on." I say more sternly than before so she'd listen.. I was weirded out by what she was doing right now.

She slowly walks towards me, while Obi-Wan and Ahsoka begin to walk forward to the man we all once knew..

Suddenly, troopers gather around them, quickly putting force binders around their wrists..

"Do not, I repeat. Do not kill them." His robotic voice appears again, knowing it was most likely Anakin saying that instead of Darth Vader made me smile.

"Until I say."


sorry i havent updated, my bad g.

ive been talking to my friends on discord and havent done much else, i apologise.

may the force be with you x

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