Chapter 1

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It all started when I met this boy. He had been sitting in the vacant lot near my house, alone. I took it upon myself to keep this kid company, knowing how lonely it can get when you have nobody to talk to. I walked over and sat down by him at first, not saying a word. I didn't want to scare him. Eventually, I decided to speak up. "Hello, how are you?" I asked. The boy replied. "Hello, I'm good. How are you? Why did you decide to come and sit by me?" I laughed a little. "I'm doing great. I decided to sit by you because I know how lonely it can get and I figured I'd keep you company. My name is y/n, by the way," I smiled and reached my hand out, hoping he would shake it. He did. The boy smiled. "My name is Johnny. Thanks, I appreciate the company." he stared out into the open, not really sure what to do. "Hey, why don't we go inside my house and chat? It's a bit chilly out here and my parents really won't mind." I stood up, holding my hand out. He grabbed my hand, stood up and smiled. "Why thank you, y/n. That's very sweet of you," he sighed, "but I really shouldn't. If my parents find out, they will hurt you for sure." I looked at Johnny sympathetically, then smiled. "Well, I guess we'll just have to make sure your parents don't find out then, huh?" Johnny looked at me, smiling. "Alright, I'll come with you." We then walked into my house. That's how our friendship began.

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