Chapter 6

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It felt longer than an hour when the doctor finally arrived. He checked me over in several ways and with several different pieces of equipment. When he was finished, he turned to Soda. "Well, she seems fine. I'll give you a list of therapists that help with memory loss. I highly suggest that she sees one. It is possible that she will remember on her own, but the possibility is very slim. I do wish you the best, and I hope everything goes back to normal, at least somewhat. If you ever need anything, feel free to dial my number. I hope you guys have a nice day. " He handed Soda a paper that I assumed had all the phone numbers on it. The doctor then left the house. Soda looked at the piece of paper, looked at me and then sighed. "Look, I'm not going to force you to do anything. If you want to see a therapist, I'll take you to a therapist. If you want to leave things up to fate, I won't stop you. So, what's your decision, y/n?" I looked at Soda, feeling nervous. I didn't want to see a therapist, but I knew if I left things up to fate, Johnny's heart would be broken. I liked Johnny, I felt a special connection with him that I didn't feel with the others. I don't remember why, but I felt it. I sighed. "I... I'll see a therapist." Soda's face seemed to light up. " want to remember!" he choked. I laughed. "Soda, who wouldn't?" Soda looked at me with an expression that I couldn't read. "I bet Dally or Johnny wouldn't," he mumbled. I was shocked. Why wouldn't they? Life wasn't too hard on them, I was pretty sure of it. "Where'd the others go, anyways? We haven't seen them for awhile, I don't think." I asked. Soda thought for a minute, then looked at me. "I'm not sure, that's a good question." Just then Pony ran in. "SODA!" he hollered, sounding urgent. I jumped up from my spot on the couch and Soda also seemed to have gotten a bit of a scare. "What is it, Ponyboy?" Soda replied worriedly. Pony took a breath and looked at us, as if preparing for our reactions. "It's Dallas, he.... Just come with me!" Pony exclaimed, turning around and heading out again, not bothering to see if we were following. Soda and I exchanged worried glances, then raced out of the house. What did Dallas do?


When we arrived at the scene, Dallas was covered in blood. I saw the soc that had previously beat me up laying on the ground, surrounded in blood, clearly dead. I gagged, then looked at Dallas, who was huffing and looking at the soc with an evilly happy grin. "That's what you get for making my friend forget, You son of a bit*h!" I froze. Friend? I looked around and saw Johnny sitting on a rock not too far away. I couldn't tell if Johnny was sad or mad or what, but I knew he wasn't having any good feelings. I looked at Dallas, petrified, remembering his criminal record. "Dallas!" I yelled at him, trying to keep my tears in. He turned towards me, and when he saw me his face dropped instantly. That happy grin turned into sadness within a snap of a finger. I was now fighting my tears, trying to keep them inside. "W...Why?" I managed to choke out before my tears started falling. I quickly wiped my tears and took a breath, then looked Dallas in the eyes. "Dallas, you have to get out of here! I...If the cops catch you, you won't get out of the cooler for a while." I stated, trying to keep my cool. I had so many emotions, none of them being good. "Y/N, I couldn't let him get away scotch-free when he hurt you so badly! What was I supposed to do?" Dallas retorted. I had to take a deep breath in order not to lose it with Dallas. "You didn't have to kill him! Much less suck all the blood out of him!" I angrily replied. I heard sirens in the distance. "Great, just great" I mumbled. I looked at Dallas. I couldn't let him go to the cooler. I knew he deserved to go for what he did, but I found a little bit of peace in Dallas caring so deeply for me. At that moment, I knew what I had to do. "Go!" I hissed at him. He looked at me confused. "Get out of here!" I said, a little louder. Soda and Pony took off, and Johnny grabbed Dallas' arm and dragged Dallas away, realizing what I was doing. I sighed, then turned to see how far away the cops were. They were just coming onto the block. I guess I'm going to the cooler, I thought as the cop cars pulled up. "Put your hands in the air where I can see them!" I heard one yell as he stepped out of the car. I sighed, putting my hands in the air. The officer looked at me confused. "Wait, y/n?" He asked as another officer came over and put handcuffs on my arms. I was shocked at the voice. I remembered it, but I couldn't put a name to it. "Who are you?" I asked. The officer that had told me to 'put my hands in the air' seemed to be saddened by my question, but he dismissed it. "Put her in the back, I'll take her to the station. You boys put up crime scene tape and whatever you do, DON'T touch the body. We may need it for evidence." He stated. I held my breath. What if they find out Dallas did it, and not me? Then what would happen? I dismissed the thought, not wanting to even consider it right now. The police officer that put the handcuffs on me led me to the car, putting me in the back and shutting the door. I let out a heavy sigh before the cop that had talked to me got in the driver's seat and started driving. He glanced back at me through the rear-view mirror a few times, but I paid no attention to him. I looked out my window the whole way back to the police station.
When we arrived, the officer helped me out of the car and led me inside the station and to the cells. He took off my handcuffs and waited as I walked in and then shut the cell behind me, locking it. He looked at me and sighed. "I can't believe you would ever do anything like this, y/n. I guess you're not the girl I thought you were." With that, he left. I was confused. Where do I recognize that voice? I walked over and sat on the bench. It was hard and cold, but then again, I'm in jail. They aren't going to have the best furniture in the world. I decided to accept the fact that I'd be here for awhile. I knew deep in my heart that if Dallas was found guilty, he wouldn't just get a couple of months in jail. With his record, he'd probably be in jail for life, or even worse... I shot the idea down, not wanting to have any bad thoughts. I knew that this was in Dallas' best interest that I be the one in jail, not him. I laid down on the bench, knowing I'd have a long next few days ahead of me. I fell asleep knowing this was all for good reason.

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