Chapter 5

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Y/n's POV

When I woke up, I saw two familiar figures in the room. They were quietly talking, too quiet where I couldn't tell what they were talking about. In fact, I couldn't tell who they were either. They must have noticed me waking up because they both turned towards me. "Y/n, you're not dead!" One of them exclaimed happily. I thought the voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was. The other boy also turned to me, clearly relieved. "Thank gosh, I was worried that you'd die because I didn't protect you!"  I had no idea who these two boys were or why they were in my house, but I didn't want to be rude because they seemed really relieved that I was alive. I just nodded. I decided not to ruin this moment for the two boys. I never really had anyone that had cared about me before, these two boys were the first. "I'll go get Soda, he'll be able to do a thorough check on her now that she's awake." the brown-haired boy, who said he didn't protect me, said. He walked out of the room, leaving the dark-skinned boy with me. I had no idea who Soda was, and I definitely was not going to let this Soda guy get near me. The brown-haired boy came down with 2 other people. I was guessing one of them was Soda.  A dark-gold haired boy with blue eyes walked over to me and knelt beside me. He looked like he was a really sweet and gentle boy, but there was no way I was going to let him touch me. "Y/n, how are you feeling?" he asked gently. I decided to reply. I wasn't sure how these boys would take it, but I figured I wouldn't drag them on. "I feel fine. Who are you? I don't recognize you." The boy seemed a little shocked by my statement, but he didn't seem hurt. "Do you recognize any of us?" he asked me. These boys were the sweetest boys I've ever met, but I couldn't recognize any of them. I shook my head. "No, I have no idea who you guys are. You look familiar, but I don't think I've ever met any of you guys." I replied. The dark-skinned boy ran out of the room, clearly distressed that I couldn't recognize anybody. The brown-haired boy followed him, clearly worried for the younger boy. The gentle boy next to me just nodded. Either he wasn't very upset, or he didn't want to show how he felt. There was one other boy in the room. He was light brown-haired and had green eyes instead of blue ones. He just sat in a chair on the other side of the room, clearly not wanting to leave the room. I decided I would let the blue-eyed boy check over me. He seemed really caring and with the other boy in the room, I doubted that he would purposely hurt me. He had just finished checking over me when the brown-haired boy walked in. "Pony, could you go talk to Johnny? He doesn't want to talk to me because I'm part of the reason why she got hurt." The green-eyed boy, Pony, nodded. "Sure, I'll go talk to Johnny." he got out of the chair and left the room. The brown-haired boy took the spot that Pony had previously taken. The boy that was next to me turned to the boy in the chair. "She looks fine, her concussion is all that we have to worry about. We are lucky, she could have died in her sleep and we wouldn't have any clue why. The only sign of the concussion is her forgetfulness." The boy that was next to me said. The boy in the chair nodded. "Should I call a doctor or something? We shouldn't just let her forget us and restart her life," he responded. I was angered by what this brown-haired boy was saying, but I decided not to get after him just yet. The blue-eyed boy looked thoughtful for a moment. "Dallas," he said, clearly trying to calm the boy down, "I appreciate your input. But you don't have to sound so angry when you talk. Call a doctor over here then. I don't want to risk anything." Dallas huffed, stomping out of the room. The younger boys, Johnny and Pony, walked in shortly after Dallas walked out. "Soda, what do you know about her condition? Dallas said something about her having a concussion. Is that true?" Pony asked. The boy next to me, Soda, nodded. "Yes, she has a concussion. Dally is going to call a doctor to see if the doctor can help her remember us or anything." Pony nodded and looked towards Johnny. I still had no idea who these boys were, but I could tell that I had a special connection with them at some point. "Boys. No need to worry about me. I'm fine." I told them, trying to convince them. I knew I wasn't fine, but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew they had too many problems to have them worry about me as well. I looked around the room. Johnny had tears in his eyes, Pony had this expression on his face as if what I just said was unbelievable, and Soda looked at me worriedly. "Guys, I'm sure I'm not your only problem. I'm okay, really. You have other problems to deal with. I don't want to be a burden on you guys."  "Oh, y/n...." Johnny managed to choke out before he broke down. He ran out of the room once again. Dallas stomped into the room. "What bullshit are you speaking, y/n!" he yelled. I flinched, unsure of why this boy was so mad at me. Soda shot him a look. "Dallas, she doesn't remember anything, so how about you calm down before you scare her for the rest of her life?" Soda calmly told Dallas. Dallas sighed. "Yeah, okay. Oh, and the doctor should be here in about an hour. He's gonna make room in his schedule since she sounds like she could be in critical danger." Dallas said, then walked out of the room with Pony following.

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