Chapter 2

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Shortly after I introduced him to my family, he introduced me to his gang of friends. They were like his family since his parents are abusive. They all seemed pretty nice except for one hood that I'd heard quite a bit about before: Dallas Winston. When Johnny introduced Dallas and me, Dallas didn't take it too keenly that I was hanging out with Johnny. He even questioned Johnny about me, right in front of my face! "Johnnycake, are you SURE you like hanging out with this girl? She seems pretty suspicious to me." Johnny simply replied, "She's nice. I enjoy spending time with her." Dallas scowled, but didn't fight back. I held my hand out and looked Dallas in the eyes. "Nice to meet you, Dallas. I'm y/n." He looked at my hand, then at me and finally turned away, stocking off. Johnny sighed, looking down. I placed my hand on Johnny's shoulder after turning towards him. "Don't worry, Johnny. I don't mind it. I know it takes time to get used to having another person hanging out with your buddy." I smiled. Johnny looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks, y/n. You're pretty great." Other than Dallas, the rest of the gang seemed to be okay with me right away. I guess Johnny was the gang's pet, and any friend of Johnny's was also a friend of the gang.

The next few days consisted of the gang getting to know me better. Of course, Dallas stayed quiet or wasn't there at all, but that didn't bother me any. Johnny seemed to be in distress about it though. I sighed. "Johnny, it's fine, really. I know Dallas hates me hanging out with you, but give him some time and he will get used to it. Trust me, I've dealt with people like this before." I smiled, trying to cheer Johnny up. Johnny didn't seem to cheer up any. I sighed. "Johnny, please, it'll be okay. If you want, I will go have a conversation with Dallas." Johnny seemed to brighten up a bit. "Really? You... You'd do that for me?" I smiled. "Of course. I'd do anything for my friends." Johnny smiled. "Thank you." I walked away in search of Dallas. He wasn't hard to find, he was right outside of the Curtis' house where Johnny, the gang and I were currently hanging out. "Dallas." I walked up to him and smiled. He continued to stare at the ground, obviously not wanting to talk to me. I sighed. "Look, I know you care about Johnny. Johnny wants us to have a conversation and get along. I understand you don't exactly want to be my friend, and I'm fine with that. But Johnny wants us to get along, and he's stressing that we won't get along. So can you AT LEAST pretend to be okay with me? For Johnny?" Dallas looked up and sighed. "Look, you seem nice and all.... But I don't like that you're taking Johnny away from me. Johnny is the ONLY person that understands me, and now he's hanging out with you instead of me." I stood, shocked. "Wait..... You just don't like that I'm hanging out with him so much?" Dallas nodded. I sighed. "I... I'm sorry. I... I didn't realize that I was taking him away from you. I can leave now if you'd like....." Dallas interrupted me. "No, it's fine. Just.... Don't hang out with him so much, I want to hang out with him too." I nodded, then smiled. "Okay, I think I can manage that." I held out my hand. "Want to come inside with me? So Johnny can see that we can get along?" Dallas thought for a moment, then nodded, taking my hand. We walked into the Curtis house, hand in hand to show Johnny that we could get along. When Johnny saw us, he smiled, then came over and pulled us into a group hug. I looked at Dallas; he was smiling. I never thought that Dallas Winston could smile, but I guess Johnny was the one thing that made him happy. I hadn't realized that I had been taking Johnny away from Dally, which is why Dally never wanted to be around when I was around. I felt bad, so I told Johnny I needed to get home before my parents got upset at how long I was gone. Johnny seemed to understand, as he nodded in reply. Dally looked at me funny, having an idea of what I was doing. I said my goodbyes and walked out of the house, then ran towards my house. If anyone saw they'd think I was going to get into big trouble soon, that's why I did it. As soon as I got home, I sat on my bed and thought for a while. Dallas ACTUALLY talked to me about how he felt. Yet, I understood him, even though he said the only person that understands him is Johnny. Would Dallas realize this? Probably not, I figured. I decided that I would quit hanging out with Johnny for a few days, hopefully allowing Dallas the time he would need to hang out with Johnny. I knew in the back of my mind that this may backfire on me, but since I would rather have it backfire on me than ruin a relationship between two people, I figured I would see what would happen anyways. If I ended up alone again because Dallas sent some rumor about me or something, that was fine by me. I stared out my window, thinking for a while longer before laying down to fall asleep.

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