Chapter 7

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Dallas' POV

"Get out of here!" Y/N hissed at me. Johnny grabbed my arm and dragged me away before I could protest. I knew what she was doing, but I didn't want her to do it. Johnny managed to pull me behind a house so that we could watch. We saw her put her hands in the air. We watched as she got handcuffed. Our hearts tore to pieces when she was put in the cop car and was taken away from us. I couldn't handle it. That was SUPPOSED to be me, not her. She barely knew who I was, why would she take my spot in getting arrested? I had to let them know the truth. I started to walk towards where the other policemen were setting up 'crime scene' tape before Johnny pulled me back behind the house. "Where do you think you're going?" He hissed. I looked at him, anger hidden in my eyes. "I'm making this right." I stated simply. Johnny slapped my face. "Dallas, she's risking her life for you! You can't just go and say 'I killed this man' now! Both of you could be killed. Leave it be, Dallas." Johnny whispered angrily. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, and what are we gonna tell her parents when she gets the death sentence for a crime she didn't commit? Huh?" I asked bitterly. Johnny's eyes seemed to light up. "Her parents....she'll be fine!" He whispered happily. I was confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked. Johnny shook his head. "Come on, let's get to the Curtis house." He pulled me all the way to the house. When we got inside, Soda was pacing and Darry was quietly talking to Pony, clearly trying to cheer Pony up. When they saw Johnny and I, they quickly stopped what they were doing. "So, what happened?" Soda asked worriedly. I looked at Johnny, who looked back at me. I sighed. "Well, they set up 'crime scene' tape and took her to jail. I'm not sure what they'll do with her." I went over the the nearest wall and punched it. "What if she gets the death penalty? What if she dies for MY actions? I couldn't live with myself! I was only trying to protect her!" I kept punching the wall. "Dallas, stop punching our wall. You'll break it." Darry stated. I sighed and turned around, feeling tears going down my cheeks. I didn't care anymore, if the gang saw me cry then so be it. I couldn't put up the tough-boy act anymore. "Darry, what am I gonna do? I can't let her go to jail for my doing!" Darry looked at me calmingly. "Dal, she'll be fine. She's never been in jail before, I doubt they'll give her the death penalty. She probably will get a lengthy time in jail though. But at least she'll be okay and not dead." Darry explained. I shook my head. "No, I can't let her be in jail for me. That should be me in jail, not her!" The tears started running down my cheeks faster, and I only thought worse thoughts. Soda looked at me. "Dal, if you go to jail for this, you could be KILLED. You have a bad enough record for it. Leave it be. She's doing you a favor." I stared at the ground. "But her parents..." Johnny interrupted me. "Her dads a cop. She'll be fine. Her dad won't let her be put to death. Shoot, he'll probably help her get out of the mess." Johnny explained. I looked at Johnny. "Are you serious?" I asked, wiping tears off of my face. Johnny nodded. I sighed with relief. "That's amazing news to hear! Now hopefully they don't find any evidence that leads to me." I said, biting my lip. Sure, the past few days were crazy. But I could feel that it would only get crazier.

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