Chapter 4

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Dally's POV

"Wha.... what happened?!" Johnny exclaimed as he saw her laying on the couch. I felt bad; I SHOULD'VE helped her, should've done more to protect her. I sighed, knowing what I'd have to tell Johnny. "Johnnycakes," I started calmingly, attempting to calm him down, "she got into a fight with some soc. He cut her, pretty badly too it looks like." I looked at the girl laying on the couch. Johnny looked at me, then looked at her. He was shocked, and I couldn't blame him. I couldn't blame him, because I blamed myself. Maybe if I had done more to protect her, she'd be okay. Maybe if I hadn't told her to quit hanging out with Johnny so much, this might not have happened. Johnny walked towards her, stricken dumb. He couldn't process it all. Soda had cleaned her cuts and bandaged her up and attempted to wake her up, with no success. Johnny started tearing up but wiped his tears away just as quickly. He looked at me, anger in his eyes. "You.... you were there for all of it?" he asked quietly. I nodded, "I was, Johnnycakes". I sighed. Johnny was upset, and I hated seeing Johnny upset. But this time, it was my fault. "Dallas, why didn't you do anything to protect her? You could have helped prevent this!" Johnny exclaimed. I just stared at the floor. I wanted to hold Johnny and let him cry into my shirt, but I knew he would be too mad at me and wouldn't even want me in the room. I managed to get out a "Johnny, I.... I'm sorry..." before I started tearing up. Johnny just stared at her. He must have been having the same thoughts that I was having because when she moved the
slightest little bit, we both looked at her with some happiness on our faces. She was asleep, but she wasn't dead. Johnny must have finally realized that I blamed myself for this because he ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "Dally," he said, "it's not completely your fault. She's alive! When I think about it, if you hadn't been there, she probably would be dead. Thanks, Dally." Johnny smiled at me. I lightened up a little bit, but not a ton. I couldn't help it, I still blamed myself. The gang had all left to leave Johnny and me with her so that when she wakes up, she won't feel overwhelmed with all seven of us in the room looking after her. Johnny and I just sat in the room, waiting for her to wake up. When she finally did wake up, things weren't how I thought they'd be.

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