Chapter 9

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Dallas' POV

The five of us that were at the Curtis' were just sitting around the kitchen table, eating and talking. We decided not to talk about Y/N or anything to do with cops or death, since I was easily angered by it. "Anyone want to play a card game?" Soda asked. I looked at him and nodded. "Let's not play Slapjack though, I'll end up hitting harder than I mean to." I explained. Soda nodded and he went to grab the card deck. Just as we were about to start the card game, the phone rang. Darry sighed and got up. "I'll get it." He walked over to the phone. "Hello? This is Darrel Curtis. You need who?" his face dropped after that question. "Yeah, I'll bring him down there. Thanks for the call, see you soon." Darry hung up the phone and sighed, turning towards us. "Dallas, they need you down at the station for interrogating." The mood in the room instantly dropped. "Yeah, okay man." I replied coolly. I knew I would be in deep trouble, but that was the least of my worries. Y/N was taking my spot, what would happen to her? I followed Darry out to the truck. The ride to the station was silent, and I bet we were both freaking out on the inside. When we got to the station, we walked inside together. I hoped that Y/N wouldn't get in trouble. I knew Darry hated this as much as I did. An officer led me to a room labeled "Interrogation Room". I gulped, unsure of what would happen. I stepped into the room.


I was sitting in a cold, hard, black chair, with an officer sitting across from me. I was staring at the door when it opened. Dallas entered with another cop. I swallowed hard, then forced a smile. "Hey, Dal." I said, forcing myself to sound happy. Dal smiled at me, but I could tell that it was a forced smile. He sat beside me while the other cop sat across from him after shutting the door. I slipped him a note that I had previously written. It read;
Dallas, whatever you do, DON'T say anything close to you having committed the crime. Make sure you hide this note really well, they might look for it.
I saw him reading it, and he gave a slight nod. Then the cop that sat across from me spoke up. "So, Dallas Winston. You are aware that y/n Sear killed a soc, correct?" The cop asked. I saw Dallas nod. "That's correct." he said. The cop nodded. "She told me that you knew about her fight with this soc previously. Can you tell us about it?" The cop asked. I saw Dallas gulp, and I knew this wasn't gonna be good. "Wait a minute. Why don't you tell him your name? That way he can address you correctly." I chimed in. The cop glared at me, but then turned to Dallas. "My name is Deputy Sear, and my buddy here is Deputy Jack." Deputy Sear introduced us. Dallas nodded. I wasn't sure what he'd say, but I had a bad feeling about this.

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