Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning, confused as to where I was. I looked around the room, trying to figure out where I was. Then I remembered what happened yesterday. Dallas, the soc, me taking Dallas' spot, the cops. I realized I was in jail. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I saw the cop who brought me here yesterday walk up to my cell and look at me. "How are you doing, sweetie?" He asked me calmly. I just looked at him, confused. "Do I know you?" I asked. He looked at me worriedly. "Of course you do. I'm Deputy Sear, I'm also your father." He stated. I stared at him in shock. "How do I know you're not lying?" I asked. He looked at me seriously. "Y/N, I know you didn't kill that soc. My daughter would never kill a person, unless it was self defense. That was clearly not self defense. I'll find whoever really did it and kill them for their crime. Also for letting you take the blame." I gulped. If he found any of Dallas' fingerprints or any evidence that Dallas did it..."Dad, I...I did it. I killed the soc. I don't know what I was thinking, I guess I was out of my mind." I looked at Deputy Sear, trying to convince him. He wasn't convinced. "Sweetie, I know you didn't do it. You don't have to lie to me. Do you know who did it?" He asked. I looked at him, stern and hard. "Yes, I did! Why don't you believe me? I'm a criminal, dad. Admit it. Accept it. Your only daughter might die because she is a criminal. You wouldn't do this for other criminals, you shouldn't make an exception for me. I may be your daughter, but I'm still a criminal." I stated. I could see his expression turn hard, but I didn't care. I had to convince him that I was the one that killed the soc. Dallas couldn't be found out. Deputy Sear looked around, then looked at me. "Look, I'm letting you out. I know for a fact you didn't do it. You can't stay here. You did nothing wrong." I rolled my eyes. "You keep telling yourself that, dad. I'm a criminal. You can't let criminals out, you'd lose your job. Don't make me an exception." I replied, trying not to lose my temper with him. "Deputy Sear! Shouldn't you be upstairs getting the interrogation room prepared?" I heard a voice ask. I looked and saw a lady walking towards us. Deputy Sear turned around and sighed. "Okay, I'm coming." He turned back to me. "I'll get you out of here." He whispered to me before he walked away. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, okay." I mumbled. The lady walked over and grabbed a chair, sitting in front of my cell. "Hello. My name is Officer Jane. Based on the papers I have here, your name is Y/N Sear, correct?" She asked. I nodded. "That'd be me." I said. She smiled. "Well, Y/N, I just have a few questions to ask before interrogation, if that's okay?" She questioned. Normally, I would've said no, but she seemed nice. I nodded my head. "Ask away." She looked at her papers. "It says here that you were recently diagnosed with a concussion. Is that true?" I nodded. "What was the cause of this concussion?" I thought for a bit. "I don't remember exactly, but I think I got in a fight with someone and then they ended up kicking me so that when I fell back I hit my head on a rock. I hit my head hard too, if I remember correctly." She nodded and jotted some things down. "Do you remember who the fight was with, or why it happened?" She questioned. I thought deep and hard. "I think I was jumped by a soc. I was fighting back on self-defense." I replied, as if it were an everyday thing, which it pretty much was. She jotted it down and looked at me. "Were there any witnesses?" She asked. I silently gulped, trying to think. After awhile, I remembered Dallas being there. Now I had to decide if I wanted to tell her about Dallas or not. "Yes, there was 1 witness" I said. "Do you mind telling me who it was?" My mouth spoke before I could think about what I was saying. "Dallas. Dallas Winston was there." She seemed a little shocked, but nodded, jotting it down. "Okay, thank you, Y/N." She stood up and put the chair in its proper place, then walked away. I sighed. I just ruined this, didn't I? I shouldn't have mentioned Dallas, damn it! I stared at the wall, having nothing better to do. Now they'd call Dallas down to be interrogated with me. If anything, ANYTHING went wrong, someone would end up hurt. It would most likely be Dallas.

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