Chapter 12

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Darry's POV

Once Dallas and I got into the car, I sighed. "What'd you do this time, Winston?" He smirked, not looking at me. "Ruiner of Fun, you see, I just did what I do best." I was getting annoyed, but I was also curious. Gosh, did I hate my curiosity. "Dallas, what on this green earth did you do!" He looked at me and smiled. Dallas doesn't usually smile, so he must've done something he thought was good. "I talked to some inmates that I knew well before I was brought in the room. Told em that I needed some help, that I could get them out in return. They started talking about if they could trust me or not. Apparently it turned into a fight."  I slapped my head. Dallas is so dumb sometimes, I wish he'd learn to use his brain. Maybe Ponyboy was getting a bad influence from Dallas. "Wow, you're creating a worse environment for Y/N. What if they get out and do bad things to her? Huh Dal?" He looked at me, ticked off. "Darry, the cops won't let that happen. Besides, she'll get out soon. I won't let her get hard in jail." he stated. I stared at me. Holy grass, was Dallas clueless sometimes. "Well, my guy, we can't get her out. She'll have to stay in jail. It's the cold hard truth. I'm sorry if it bursts your bubble." he stared at me. I wasn't sure if he knew that I was right or not. He then slammed his fist on the dash, which surprised me. I jumped up a little bit. "Gosh damn it, Darrel. I can't let her harden in jail! She never should have taken my spot." I looked at Dallas. I could tell that tears were in his eyes. I was surprised, but that's when everything clicked for me. He opened the door on his side of the truck and stepped out. "Dallas, what are you doing.." I warned, already knowing what he was gonna do. He turned away from me. "I'm making things right." he said, his voice cracking. "Dal..Get back in here." I said sympathetically. I knew why he was doing it, and I secretly knew he SHOULD do it. But I think we all knew what would hapen to him if he got a murder on his already bad record. He shook his head. "No." He stated, running inside of the police station. I ran after him. I couldn't let him do this. By the time I got to him, he had already screamed it.  "I did it. I killed the soc. Not Y/N. She's innocent. Don't let her get hardened because of me." Dallas then broke down. I looked at the lady behind the counter, who was clearly surprised. "He didn't do it, Y/N did. He just hates that his best friend is in jail. Is there any way we could get her out?" I asked, hoping Dal would keep his trap shut. "Darry, don't protect me. I did it. I killed the soc. Ask Sodapop, or Johnny, or Ponyboy. Shoot, ask Y/N, for the devils sake! I did it. I killed that soc." he said between sobs. I sighed, knowing that we couldn't undo this. Dallas and I were led back into the Interrogation room. I paced the room, pissed at Dallas. "Dallas, why the HELL would you do that! Do you know what's gonna happen now? What're Johnny and Pony gonna do? Huh Dal?" I said bitterly. I slammed my fists against the wall. "God damn it, Dallas! Why?" I shouted at him, tears starting to slip down my face. Dallas merely shrugged from his seat. I was trying to get a hold of my emotions when Deputy Sear and the girl officer walked in with y/n. "Hello boys, I'm Officer Jane." She introduced herself. I quickly wiped away my tears and walked over to her, shaking her hand. "Im Darry, Darry Curtis." I said. I went and stood by Dallas and Y/N. "We will allow you guys to talk for a little bit while we process stuff." Deputy Sear smiled, walking out with Officer Jane following behind. As soon as the door shut, I heard a heavy breath. I turned around to see that Y/N had grabbed a hold of Dallas' collar. "Why the HELL would you do that, Dallas! Did you forget the consequence we'll get for this? Huh Dal?" She slapped a hand against the table. "Damn you, Dal. Damn you..." she trailed off, letting Dallas go and starting to cry. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl. She took Dallas' spot, and now both of them would get hurt. I walked over to them and pulled them both into a group hug. "Guys, we will get through this. I promise. God help us." I said, starting to tear up again. Gosh, I hoped this would end soon. We all just cried in a group hug. That is, until the worst came...

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