Chapter 11

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Dallas' POV

Deputy Sear nodded. "Okay guys, I'm giving you one more chance. I'm sure you guys realize that if we find out you're lying and someone else killed the soc, not only will the murderer be punished, but you guys will be punished as well for keeping evidence hidden and not telling the truth." I looked at Darry and smirked. "Deputy Sear, we have an issue that you need to deal with..." A lady officer said, walking into the room. "Not now, Jane." Sear said, turning to her. "Sir, there's a huge fight going on downstairs between the cellmates." Sear sighed. I smiled for a few seconds. "Alright, get these 2 boys out of here. The girl stays." Sear said, turning. I looked at y/n with a "I'm sorry" look and left the room. Darry and I were quiet the whole way out of the station. Once we got in the car, Darry sighed. "What'd you do this time, Winston?" I gave him a devilish smirk without looking at him. "Ruiner of Fun, you see, I just did what I do best." I could tell Darry was getting annoyed, but obviously his curiosity got the best of him. "Dallas, what on this green earth did you do!" I looked at him and smiled. "I talked to some inmates that I knew well before I was brought in the room. Told em that I needed some help, that I could get them out in return. They started talking about if they could trust me or not. Apparently it turned into a fight." Darry slapped his head. "Wow, you're creating a worse environment for Y/N. What if they get out and do bad things to her? Huh Dal?" I looked at Darry, kind of ticked off. Who was he to tell me I was doing bad things? "Darry, the cops won't let that happen. Besides, she'll get out soon. I won't let her get hard in jail." I stated. Darry stared at me. "Well, my guy, we can't get her out. She'll have to stay in jail. It's the cold hard truth. I'm sorry if it bursts your bubble." I stared daggers at Darry, knowing he was right. I slammed my fist on the dash, which must have surprised Darry, for he jumped up a little bit. "Gosh damn it, Darrel. I can't let her harden in jail! She never should have taken my spot." I looked at Darry, tears threatening my eyes. I blinked them away. I'm Dallas Tucker Winston, I don't cry. I'm as hard as a rock. I opened the door on my side of the truck and stepped out. "Dallas, what are you doing.." Darry warned. I turned away, not wanting to look at him. "I'm making things right." I said, trying to keep my voice stern. It didn't work. I couldn't keep my voice stern, I couldn't keep the tears in. God, why did I do this to myself? "Dal..Get back in here." Darry said sympathetically. I shook my head, trying my best to get a grip of myself. "No." I stated, running inside of the police station. I saw the person behind the counter look at me confused. "I did it. I killed the soc. Not Y/N. She's innocent. Don't let her get hardened because of me." I screamed, then broke down.

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