"Do you wanna dance?" He asks me. Wow he was really cute. He was really tall with sandy blonde curly hair and he had beautiful brown eyes. "Sure." I reply. We walk over a little bit more towards the dance floor and start dancing. After a few minutes we go over to sit on one of the couches to talk. "I didn't get your name beautiful." He says to me. "I'm Nailea." I reply. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jace." He says back. We continue to make small talk for about 15 minutes until Claryssa comes up to us. "Hey babe I don't mean to interrupt but we're playing truth or dare if you wanna play." She says to us.
I look at Jace and he nods so we get up and follow Claryssa to the rest of the group. We get out to the backyard and see everyone sitting down. And of course Jaden and that girl were there. I shouldn't let it bother me though, I'm having a lot of fun with Jace. We sit down and Claryssa starts explaining.
"Okay so we're gonna do truth, dare or drink. Self explanatory, you don't do it you drink." She says as she sits down next to Bryce. The game was going smooth for the first few minutes until it was Josh's turn to ask someone. He looks at me and smirks before speaking up. "Nailea truth or dare?" He asks. "Dare." I reply. "I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Jaden." I roll my eyes and go to grab my cup to drink.
I'd rather do anything else then spend 7 minutes alone with him right now. Jaden reaches over and grabs my hand to keep me from grabbing the cup. I look over at him. "Let's go." He says standing up and pulling me up with him. We walk into the little sauna that's in the backyard and sit down on the benches in there. At first I sat as far away from him as I could, but that didn't last long. He got up from his seat and came over to sit right next to me.
"So do you wanna tell me why you wanted to drink instead of doing this dare." He says as he grabs my hands. I pull my hands away and turn away from him. "Nailea, talk to me. Did I do something wrong?" I don't even know why I'm acting like this. I'm so childish honestly. I have no reason to feel jealous about him talking to a different girl. We're not dating and I don't even know if I like him like that. "Jaden I just didn't want to make your girlfriend jealous." I say adding sarcasm when I say girlfriend. He just laughs.
"Are you talking about Ellie? Nailea she isn't my girlfriend." He says to me. "Well you guys seemed pretty close, so I wasn't sure." I tell him. "Well you and that guy you were with seemed pretty close too." He says. I can hear a hint of jealousy in his voice when he said it. And when I looked over at him I saw that he was clenching his jaw. "Well when I saw that you were talking to Ellie I kinda needed someone to have fun with so I went to dance with him." After I said that Jaden just stayed quiet. I didn't know what else to say, there was obviously something bothering him so I wasn't going to make it worse.
After like 2 minutes of silence Josh opens the door with his hands over his eyes. "Times up love birds." He says. I get up and push past him. "Josh we weren't doing anything, don't worry." I say with a little bit of attitude.
Jaden's POV
"What was that about?" Josh asks me. "Dude I don't even know." I tell him. "Well did you guys do anything?" He asked. "Nah, we just talked about Ellie and she thought she was my girlfriend." I say. "Did you tell her about your guys' past together?" Josh asked. "Nope, she kinda had an attitude talking about her so I didn't wanna make it worse by telling her she's my ex." I reply. He nods and we walk back to the rest of the group.
Nailea's POV We all go and sit down and continue playing the game. When we first sat down Ellie is glaring at me, and Jaden and Jace are glaring at eachother. Then one of the girls I don't recognize asks Ellie "Ellie truth or dare." "Dare." She replies. "I dare you to make out with Jaden." the girl tells Ellie. They both smirk at each other and Ellie turns towards Jaden getting ready to kiss him. Jaden backs away from her a little bit. "Andrea I don't think that's a good idea." He says to the other girl. "Oh c'mon Jaden it's not like you guys have never done it." she replied. Jaden glared at her.
"Yea exactly Jaden." Ellie adds in. "Ellie I think you should just drink. It's not a good idea." Jaden replies. "Jaden you act like you guys didn't make out like the other day. You've hooked up so many times since you guys broke up. So why does this even matter." Andrea says smirking at me. I just roll my eyes.
So Jaden lied to me. He said there wasn't anything between them but they're exes and they're still hooking up. But then again I can't be mad, we aren't together. I just sit there silent while they're arguing until I look up and see Ellie and Jaden making out. It kind of hurt seeing it, but I don't know why. After they were done it's kind of ruined the vibe so nobody really wanted to play anymore. We all went our own ways and I went back to dancing with Jace. We were having so much fun until I looked over at Jaden in the kitchen. He was pouring a drink but his eyes didn't leave me and Jace.
I turned around to face Jace and I told him I was gonna go to the kitchen really quick. I really needed a few more drinks. While I was pouring my drink I saw Jaden walk upstairs with a full bottle.
I decided I was going to go talk to him, but when I got to the top of the stairs I realized I needed a few minutes to think. I went to my room and sat down on my bed. There were so many thoughts going through my head and I think I just needed a small break from the party. I just sat in my room for like 30 mins. I was just scrolling through instagram trying to distract myself. I decided to post the picture that me and the girls took earlier. (pretend the purple is pink and that they all have colored wigs.)
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liked by wh.tanii and 94,827 others
naiileaaa.r when all ur bitches pretty>> @bbyryssa @mila.hk
bbyryssa damn WE DID THAT
wh.tanii i don't think i'm straight anymore🥵
jadenhossler damn who's the girl in pink, can i get her number hater ^ ewww why does Jaden even think she's cute
brycehall the girl in blue fine asf naiileaaa.r ^ she's mine back off
jace.smith wow ur cute asf😻 naiileaaa.r 🥺♥️♥️
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When I looked down at Jaden's comment I was surprised. Earlier he seemed so pissed off and he just goes back to normal acting like nothing happened. After about 10 minutes I decided to go and talk to Jaden. "Hey Jay can we-." I was interrupted by what I saw when I opened his door and I felt my heart shatter.
I hope you guys liked this chapter, feel free to leave suggestions below.
What do you guys think she saw in Jaden's room? What's gonna happen between Nailea and Jace?