I wake up to Jaden carrying me towards the house. I look up at him. "Shhh it's okay, go back to sleep." He whispers to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest. When we get up to the room he puts me down in one of the beds. "Lea you have to let go of my neck." he laughs as he's hovering over me. "Nooooo." I whine. He just laughs. "Can you stay here please." I ask looking up at him. He waits a few seconds before answering. "Okay." He says and then he climbs into bed with me. I don't really know what I was thinking. We can't be cuddling. We literally just met and he's one of my brothers best friends. What the hell am I doing?
I try to calm myself down and relax as I sink into the bed. Jaden wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I let myself relax in his presence as I drift off to sleep.
*the next morning*
I woke up to an empty bed. I get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen where I see Jaden, Bryce, Josh and Kio. "Good morning." I groan as I walk over and sit down at the island. The boys continue with their conversation and Josh comes over to me. "Good morning bean, how did you sleep?" he asked as he kissed the top of my head. "Good." I reply. "Yea I bet you did." He says while smirking.
I give him a confused look. "Why are you smirking?" I asked. He took out his phone, unlocked it and passed it to me. I look at the screen and see a photo of Jaden and I.
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I try to stop myself from smiling as I look back up at Josh. "I walked in to ask if you guys wanted breakfast and I saw you guys cuddling." He tells me. "Hmm he must've been cold or something." I shrug. "Mhmm sure." he replied. I just rolled my eyes.
For the rest of the morning it was kind of awkward between Jaden and I. We didn't really talk at all. Not even when we went back to our room to pack our stuff up. I was hoping it wouldn't be so awkward between us in the car.
We all bring our stuff out of the rooms and pack into the cars once again. Jaden and I get in his car and it's silent for the first few minutes of the ride, so I decide to speak up. "So are we gonna go costume shopping today?" I ask him. "Yea if you want." He replied with a smile. It's silent for a few more minutes. Why is it so awkward between us. Ugh I hate myself, why do I put myself in situations like this.
"I'm gonna take a nap, can you wake me up when we get to the house?" I ask him. He nods. I close my eyes and try not to think about the awkward tension as I slowly drift off to sleep.
*Jadens POV* I can feel an awkward tension between Nailea and I. I don't know what's happening, was I too forward last night? Wait no. What am I thinking? She's the one that cuddled up to me and she's the one who I asked me to stay with her.
My thoughts were interrupted by her sweet voice "I'm gonna take a nap, can you wake me up when we get to the house?" she asked me. I gave her a small smile and nodded as she closed her eyes.
She looks so beautiful laying there. I've only known her for 2 days so I don't exactly know my feelings for her but I do know there's something there. She's so beautiful and I'm so happy when I'm around her. I don't know what it is, she just doesn't something to me.
*30 minutes later* We finally made it to the house and Nailea was still asleep. I get out of the car and go to the passenger side and open the door. I tap her shoulder a little lightly to try and wake her. "Nailea, we're home. Wake up." I whisper to her. She doesn't react at all. I decide to just pick her up and take her inside.
I unbuckle her seatbelt and put one arm under her legs, then I put her arm around my neck and I put my other arm around her waist. I pick her up and close the door with my foot then make my way into the house. As I walk past the boys I see them all smirking at me I just ignore them and walk up to her bedroom.
I slowly put her down on her bed and then pull the blankets over her. I turn off the lights and walk out then make my way downstairs.
*Naileas POV*
I wake up and realize I'm in my bed. I don't remember falling asleep here. I look around for my phone to check the time but I can't find it so I go downstairs instead. I walk into the living room and see Josh and Griffin. I sit down on the couch next to Josh and lay my head on his lap.
"Well hello there sleepy head." Josh says to me. "Hi." I mumble. "How long was I asleep for?" I asked him. "Umm a couple hours. You fell asleep in the car and Jaden carried you up to your room." He replied. "Oh." I say.
"Where is Jaden anyways?" I ask. "I think he's in his room." He tells me. I get up from the couch and right before I walk away Josh calls my name. "Here's your phone." he says picking it up from the coffee table and handing it to me. "Thanks." I say as I grab it and walk away.
When I get to the top of the stairs, I make my way to Jaden's door and I knock. "Come in." He yells. I open the door and when I walk in I'm greeted by Jaden's adorable smile. "Hey pretty girl, what's up?" He asks. "I was wondering if you still wanna go costume shopping?" I asked. "Yea of course, we can go now if you want." He replied. "Yea let me just go get ready. Give me like 20 minutes." I say. He nods and I leave and go back to my room.
hey loves, thank you for almost 200 reads. I'm kinda getting a little bit of writers block. I have lot of ideas for the story but I can't really use them until later on. So if you guys want to comment a few ideas, please do. <3