Jaden and I walked downstairs and we were met with a house full of people. We walked to the kitchen to get our drinks. Jaden grabbed a bottle of tequila and poured it into two cups then handed one to me. Then we walked around for a few minutes as he introduced me to some of his friends. After meeting a few people we went to the backyard and we sat down with the boys and some other people that they were close with.
We all just chilled there for about 30 minutes until some of us decided to split ways. The girls and I went off somewhere to take pictures and some of the boys followed. "Babes who's down to be each others New Years kisses?" Mila asked. We all agreed and took those pics together. (I'm taking inspo from Bryces insta just incase u guys didn't get it.)
I also took some pictures with Jaden. "Hey I'm gonna go use the bathroom really quick." Jaden leans over and whispers in my ear. "Okay." I smile at him. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away. See things like that are why people think we're dating.
The girls and I split up from the boys and make our way to the dance floor. I've had so many drinks at this point that I can't control myself. So I just let loose and have fun. After a few minutes I feel a pair of hands land on my waist. I was too drunk to think straight so I just assumed it was Jaden. I gave in and started dancing on him. Finally I turned to face him and that's when I saw him, not the guy I wanted it to be. Jace. What the hell is he doing here?
"Get away from me." I yell at him. He grabs my arm and pulls me into his body, his hands landing on my butt. "C'mon baby you know you can't resist." I try fighting my way out of his grip but he won't let go. And his breath reeked if alcohol so he was obviously drunk. "Yo she said get away from her." I hear Jaden yell from behind me. He pulls me away from Jace and wraps his arm around my waist.
"Oh wassup Hossler, you tryna get your ass beat again?" Jace asked. Jaden pulled me behind him and got in Jace's face. "I suggest you get out of our house right now." Jaden says. Jace pushed his chest and Jaden stumbled back into me. "Try that again and see what happens." Jaden says. I could hear the anger in his voice and it was kind of scaring me a little. I couldn't handle seeing him get into another fight. Before anything else could happen, Bryce stepped in. "Jay, chill. Okay? Calm down and just get Nailea out of here." He says. Bryce then turns to Jace. "Unless you want any problems, you need to leave our house and stay away from Nailea."
At this point all the boys were standing around Bryce. Jace just scoffed and started to walk away as Bryce and Griffin followed to make sure he left. Jaden then turned around to face me. "Hey let's go somewhere else." He says. I nod and he pulls me outside. We go to one of the corners of the backyard where it was quiet and sat down on the couch.
"Are you okay?" He asks with a concerned tone. "Yea I'm fine, he just caught me off guard and I thought he was you at first." I reply. He pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry I left you alone." He says. I pull away and look at him. "Jay, don't put this on yourself. You're not responsible to take care of me 24/7 and I wasn't alone, I was with the girls." I tell him. He looks at me with an unsure look. "Promise me you're not gonna blame yourself for this. It's not even that big of a deal." I say.
"Okay I promise." He says and smiles at me. I smile back. "So." He says and pauses. "So?" I ask. "Ummm well I was thinking.." He trails off again scratching the back of his neck. "Jaden just spit it out." I laugh. "Okay well umm I was wondering if you were gonna be my New Years Kiss?" He asked. I looked at him a little surprised. I mean I know Josh said that Jaden might make a move but I didn't actually think it would happen.
He moved closer to me and pulled me onto his lap a little. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist. "C'mon you know you want to." He smirks and bites his bottom lip. "I mean maybe a little." I said adjusting myself on his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I say we don't wait and we just do it now." Jaden says leaning in. I decided to have a little fun and tease him. Just as our lips are about to touch I pull away. "Ughhhhh why?" He groans.
"If we kiss now it won't be special at midnight." I say. "I don't care about midnight, I want kiss now." He says giving me a puppy dog face and then burying his face in my neck. "Nope you're gonna have to wait." I reply. I get up from his lap and start walking away. Jaden gets up and follows me and I feel his arms around my waist. He pulls me into his body and I can feel his hot breath on my ear. "You're such a tease, you know that right?" He asks. I giggle and wiggle my way out of his grip. "Try to control yourself Hossler." I wink at him and walk away.
*30 minutes later*
We were about 10 minutes away from midnight and I haven't seen Jaden since our talk earlier. I asked around and nobody had seen him. I was starting to get a little worried. The last time I was looking for him at a party he was with another girl. What if that was the same case this time?
I kept walking around the party looking for Jaden. I looked at my phone 11:54 pm. 6 minutes until midnight. I feel like I'm being a little crazy. I mean we don't have to be each other's New Years kiss but like I would be kind of nice. I make my way into the backyard and I see the back of Jaden's head. He was leaning up against the wall talking to someone, but I couldn't see their face. I watched them for a few seconds until I saw him pull her into a hug and then he turned around and walked into the house.
Before she walked away I caught a glimpse of her face. I didn't recognize this girl. It wasn't Ellie, some other girl, but she was gorgeous. I turn around and walk back into the house to go and find Jaden. We definitely have a few things to talk about.
guyssss i'm so sorry pls don't hate me for playing w your feelings. I know you guys just want them together but I gotta make in interesting. Trust me it hurts my feelings too. To make up for it I'm gonna try to do 2 or 3 chapters today.
Who's the girl Jaden was talking to?
Are Nailea and Jaden still gonna have their New Years kiss?
Is this new girl gonna be Jaden's New Years kiss?

Meant To Be//Jaden Hossler//Completed
Fanfiction"I know with all my heart and all my soul that we are meant to be."