Jaden and I have been together for two months and we still haven't told anyone. Everyone still suspects that we are but we haven't confirmed it.
Right now Jaden and I were laying in his bed. I was laying on top of him and my chin was resting on his shoulder. "Mamas." He said. "What?" I groaned. "Can I have kiss?" He asked. I lifted up my head and gave him a short kiss. Then I smiled at him and put my head back down.
About an hour later I was on instagram and I saw that Jaden was on tiktok room. I went to watch the video and it was a video of what had happened earlier. Jaden posted it on his story with the caption 'happy boi🥰'. I looked through the comments and everyone was giving their input.
Some people were saying it was me and others thought it was Ellie because Jaden and I said we're just friends. Then there was a group of people saying they thought it was this girl named Talia. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys about that.
A couple of weeks ago this girl made a youtube video saying her and Jaden were together. She's another social media influencer and in her video she was talking about how her and Jaden met at the Claryssa's party and then started talking after that. She went on to tell this whole story about how they've gone on so many cute dates and stuff and then posted "texts" between them. The funny thing is since we've confirmed that we had feelings for eachother, Jaden and I have been inseparable.
I'm not really worried about this girl because her and Jaden have never really met. So I'll just let people assume they have something. As long as we know the truth.
"Hey bubs I'm gonna sleep now." I say rolling off of Jaden. "Okay mamas, sleep well." He says giving me a kiss on the forehead. I turn on my side and slowly drift off to sleep.
*the next morning* I wake up at around 10:30 and roll out of bed. Jaden was still asleep so I didn't bother him, I just went downstairs. Griffin, Anthony and Josh are in the living room with another guy I've never seen before. Kinda looks like Jaden, but then again I don't have my contacts in and I'm kinda tired. (I think y'all know who it is)
I walk into the living room and lay down next to Josh and put my head on his lap. "Morning Bean, how'd you sleep?" He asked playing with my hair. "I slept great." I replied. "Yea I usually sleep great when I spend the night with Jaden too." Griffin says. I flick him off. "Griff I don't have the energy right now." I reply. "Well anyways Bean, this is Quinton, Quinton this is Nailea." Josh says. I look up and wave. "Nice to meet you." He gave me a small smile. "Nice to meet you too."
"Now Nailea, I know they look alike but just remember this isn't Jaden. A you can't make out with this one." Anthony teases. "Shut up Ant." The boys continue to make small talk as I slowly doze off on Josh's lap.
*30 minutes later*
I wake up to Josh shaking me lightly. He tells me to go get ready because we're going out for breakfast. I go up to my room and shower. When I get out I put this on.
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I did my hair and my makeup then went downstairs to meet Josh.
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When I get downstairs I see Jaden, Bryce, Josh, Anthony and Mila. I thought it was just me and Josh but I'm not complaining. We pile into two cars and head to the waffle house.
When we get there we wait a few minutes while they clear a table for us. We all order and the boys are fooling around while Mila and I are gossiping to each other.
"So are you and Jaden together?" She whispers to me so the boys can't hear. I look over at Jaden then smile and look back at Mila. "Yea we are." I say with a huge smile. I could tell I was blushing. "Awwwww I knew it." She says. "Mila you have to promise not to tell anyone though." I say. "Oh yeah of course, and by the way I'm so happy for you guys." She says. "Thank you." I say giggling.
"I'm so glad you guys are together, I honestly don't think I've ever seen Jaden happier. I can tell you're really good for him." She says pulling me into a small hug. "I love you Mila." I say. "I love you too." She says. We pull away and keep talking. Our food eventually comes and we all eat then we play card roulette to see who has to pay. The waitress pulls a card and reads out the name. "It is Mr.... Bryce." she says smiling.
"Ughhh, I'm never coming out to eat with you guys ever again." He groans. The lady takes his card to the front and then comes back with the receipt. We get back into the cars and on our way home I get a call from Josh who was in the other car. "I need you 3 for a video as soon as we get home." He says talking about me, Bryce and Jaden. "Okay." I said then hung up.
We get home and the 3 of us go to the filming room while we wait for Josh. After like 5 mins he walks in with Quinton and we all try to fit on the couch. It ended up that I had to partially sit on Jaden's lap. It was only on side though so it wasn't too obvious.
"Okay first order of business. Quinton, are you and Cynthia dating?" Josh yells towards Quinton. "We are talking, or like tryna work things out." He replies trying to explain himself. "Have you guys kissed?" Bryce asked. "Yea." He says. "You guys kissed?" Bryce and Jaden asked at the same time. Quinton nods in response. "Like on the lips?" Josh adds. "Yep." He replies. "Ewwwww." All the boys yell. "Bro that's cooties." Bryce tells Quinton. Then they eventually move on from that subject.
"So speaking of kissing and cooties. Jaden who were you kissing last night?" Bryce asks. Jaden smiles then puts his face in his hands. I try my best to act like I'm not fazed and act like I'm curious as well. Jaden sits back and crosses his arms. "Dude I don't know what you're talking about." He says to Bryce. "Oh really because there happens to be a video on tiktok room." Josh says pulling out his phone and showing everyone the video.
"Ohhhh that's what you're talking about." Jaden says playing dumb. "Ohhh Ohh." Bryce and Josh say mocking him. "So who is it?" Quinton chimes in. "Well see I would tell you guys but that's no fun." Jaden says. "Does her name happen to be Talia?" Bryce asks.