"Well, since they ditched us do you wanna go get some food." Jaden says as he turns to face me. "Sure, let me just go get changed." I say as I run up the stairs. I go to my closet looks for something to wear. I wanna wear something comfy and casual but like I also want Jaden to notice me. Like I need something super cute.
Wait what are you saying Nailea, you have a boyfriend. You don't need anyone to notice you except for him. But like Jaden is so cute. I kept going back and forth in my head. Then I finally decided, maybe just a little effort.
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I also threw on a black beanie. I took one last look in the mirror and made my way downstairs. Jaden looks up from his phone and smiles at me. "Ready?" he asks. I nod and we walk out to his car. About 5 minutes into the ride I speak up. "Jaden, where are we going." "It's a surprise." he replies. I just shake it off and look back at my phone. It takes us about 15 minutes but we finally arrive. When we get out of the car we're at this cute little restaurant called Carmens. "This place has like the best Mexican food in all of California." he says to me as we take a seat.
We look over the menus while making small talk and after about 10 minute the waitress comes to take our orders. The entire time she had all her attention on Jaden. After he orders she looks at me. "And what do you want?" she asks in a rude tone. "Can I get a mango jarritos, an order of the honey tequila wings and an order of the spicy chicken tacos please." I say. She looks at me with disgust. "Are you sure you want all that food, it's not good for your figure?" she asks with an attitude. "Yes I'm sure." I give her some attitude back. She rolls her eyes and walks away.
After she leaves Jaden turns to me and laughs. "What was that all about?" he asks. "She was being rude." I said. "Don't let it bother you, you have an amazing body." I blushed at that. "There you go again blushing, why are you so cute." he says to me.
I was sitting there on my phone and a few minutes later Jaden calls my name. I look up and he takes a pic of me catching me off guard. "Jadennnnnn, stoppp. Delete it please." I beg. "No you look cute in it." he replies. "Wait before I post this, do you have a boyfriend or something back home." he asks me. "Ummm yeah I do." I say. "Would he get mad if I posted it." he asked. "Honestly go ahead it wouldn't really matter. He probably won't even care, it's like a hella toxic relationship." I say
"So why don't you just break it off." Jaden asks. "I've tried and whenever I do he gets really scary. So I guess I'm just worried that if I make it official he would get violent." I reply. "I see, but now you're away from him so if you wanted to, you're safe from him." he tells me. "Yeah you're right." I say and look down. A few minutes later our food comes. As the waitress walks away she looks down at Jaden and touches his shoulder, "Enjoy your food cutie." She says and winks at him. "Ew." I say and Jaden just laughs.
My phone then dings and I check it to see a notification from instagram. @jadenhossler tagged you in a post. I open instagram to see the picture.
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liked by wh.tanii and 594,852 others jadenhossler made a new friend today, she kinda cool ig
naiileaaa.r ihysm Hossler jaden hossler ^ouuu a nickname already you must be into me naiileaaa.r ^ dude it's literally your last name🤦🏻♀️
hater ewww why is he with her she's so ugly jadensbby ^ are you blind, she's so pretty
swaygirlies omggg this is josh's sister she's beautiful
wh.tanii wow my bestie found a guy already 😭 naiileaaa.r no bby we're just friends
view all 3,426 comments
I just laugh, put my phone down and start eating. After we finish eating we walk up to the counter to pay. I pull out my card and get ready to hand it to the lady when Jaden stops me. "Let me pay." He says. "Jaden it's fine I can pay. Don't worry about it." I reply. "She's right." the waitress butts in. "You shouldn't waste your money on a girl like her, save it for someone who's actually pretty." she says. I just look down, that kinda hurt. Jaden gives me a look so I give in and let him pay.
He hands her his card and she just scoffs. Then she takes the receipt and scribbles something down and winks as she hands it to Jaden. As we walk out the door I snatch the receipt from him. "Hmmmm looks like Carly is interested in you." I say with a little attitude. "Ouuu is someone jealous?" he teases. I hand him back the receipt "No, I don't care. She was just kind of rude."
"That's why I wanted to pay. I wanted her to know I wasn't wasting my money and I was using it to pay for the lunch I just had with this gorgeous girl." he tells me. "I could've paid, but thank you." We get in his car and he starts driving back to the house. When we get home the house is still empty so I guess they're still at the movies or something.
"Ughhh they're still not home." I say. "Do you wanna hang out or something or are you tired of me already?" Jaden asks. "Well I have nothing better to do." I tease "Why don't we go shopping or something." I suggest. And with that we walk back out the door. "Ouuu wait let me go get my camera really quick." I say and run upstairs. I grab my camera go back downstairs and lock the door. Then I walk over to Jaden's car and get in.
i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Please feel free to comment any ideas or any changes you want for the story. I'm open to anything.