*Jadens POV* I get a text from Kio saying that someone was waiting downstairs for me. I get out of bed carefully, being sure not to wake up Nailea and I go downstairs. When I get to the kitchen I see the last person I wanted to, Ellie.
"Ellie what are you doing here?" I ask walking over to her. I'm not really in the mood for her drama right now. I also don't need her ruining any of my happiness right now. "Can we talk?" She asks with a pleading look. I sigh and nod then lead her to the backyard.
"Okay what do you want?" I ask with a hint of attitude. She grabs my hand. "Jay I miss you, and I think we should get back together." She says. I pull my hand away from her. "Ellie that's not gonna happen. Okay? I'm happy now and I don't need you coming in and ruining it." I tell her.
"C'mon Jay. You know you don't love her like you love me. How about we just go back to my place and have some fun like the good ole days." She says moving closer to me. I back away from her. "Ellie I'm serious. We are done. Okay I like Nailea and you aren't not going to change my mind." I reply. We continue arguing for about 30 minutes.
I had gotten a call from Mads in the middle of our conversation, but I ignored it. Then she started blowing up my phone with texts. She said Nailea was really sad and that she thinks I'm cheating. I really need to talk to Lea and clear things up. "Ellie I think it's time for you to go. I'm not going to let you sit here and disrespect my girlfriend." I say standing up.
"Girlfriend?" She smirks. "Yea we'll see how how king that lasts. You know you can't resist me." She says getting closer. I point to the door as a response that she needs to leave. We walk to the front door and on our way there I catch Ellie smirking at Nailea. At this point I felt so bad, I'm a terrible boyfriend.
Just before Ellie walks out the door she gives me a kiss on the cheek. What a bitch. Now I really have to prove to Nailea that there's nothing going on between us. I wouldn't be surprised if she broke up with me right this second.
*Naileas POV* Jaden takes me up to his room and I go and sit down on the bed. He closes the door and walks over to me and has a sad expression on his face. I'm kind of worried because I don't know if it's because he's breaking up with me or if it's because I started crying on our way up here. He sits down on the bed next to me and grabs both of my hands.
We just stare at each other for a few seconds and he pulls me into a hug. I bury my face into his chest as he wraps one arm around my waist and puts his other hand on the back of my head. "Hey baby, shhhh. Nothing is gonna change between us, I promise." He says. I pull away and look up at him with a tear stained face. "Wait. You're not breaking up with me?" I ask.
He laughs in response and grabs my face. "Baby why would I be breaking up with you?" He asked. "I don't know I just had a few doubts. I mean she's your ex and you guys have a lot of history, so I guess I was worried that you were gonna leave me for her." I say. "Nai, I don't care about her. She's in my past. Right now you're the only girl I want and nothing is going to change my mind." He replies.
I kind of just ignore what he says and I just keep rambling. "But like I thought like maybe you would want to be with someone that actually wants to be open about your relationship. Like I understand if you don't want to be with a girl who wants to hide our relationship." He cuts me off by kissing me.
We pull away and he stares into my eyes. "Babygirl, listen to me. I don't care about that. If you want to wait we are going to wait. A decision like that is not going to change my mind about how I feel about you. Okay?" He says to me. I nod silently and he pulls me into another hug.
"What did she want to talk to you about?" I ask. I don't really want to know but I feel like I have to hear it. Jaden gives me a questioning look to make sure I'm actually okay with knowing. I give him a reassuring nod. He sighs. "It's exactly what you're thinking. She tried to convince me to break up with you and get back with her." He says. That was it. My breaking point.
I turned away and let the tears flow. Jaden grabbed my cheek so I could face him. "Nope, no tears." He says wiping them away. "She is not taking me away from you. I promise. I would never leave you for her. She only wants me for sex and money. That's not a good relationship for me." He says. I give him a small smile. "Promise me something." He says. I nod giving him the signal to continue. "If I ever leave you for her, just shoot me." He says. "Oh trust me I will." I laugh and he laughs with me.
He pulls me into one last hug. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry for putting you through all this shit." He says and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "It's okay." I mumble into his chest. "No, it's not. I've been a terrible boyfriend since the start of our relationship. I need to be better for you, it's what you deserve." He whispers. I hug him tighter.
He suddenly pulls away front he hug. "Get up." He says. I stand up from his bed confused. "Go to your room, get changed. I'm taking you out to dinner." He says with a cheeky smile. I give him a quick kiss and make my way to my room. I hop in the shower. When I'm done I get out and straighten my hair. I couldn't decide whether or not to do my makeup so I called Jaden.
"Hey bubs?" I question. "Yes my love?" He replies. "Ummm where are we going? Like I don't know how to dress." I say. "Dress fancy. I'm not gonna say where but it's nice." He says with a chuckle. "Okiee, I'll be ready soon." I say and then hang up. I did my makeup and then went to my closet to look for something to put on. I was really hoping I wasn't putting in too much effort.
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I text Jaden saying I was ready and just added some finishing touches like my accessories. I hear my door open and I stand up and grab my purse then walk over to Jaden. He stood there with his mouth hanging open. "Wow, you look gorgeous." He says looking me up and down. "Not too bad yourself, Hossler." He grabs my hand and we make our way downstairs. We have to sneak out the back so that nobody knows that we're going on a date. We get in the car and Jaden starts driving.
yayyyyyy Jaden and Nailea made up.
Was Jaden lying to Nailea about the Ellie situation?