After about a 20 minute car ride Jaden pulls up in a parking lot and parks the car. He gets out of the car and runs over to my side and opens my door for me. I give him a weird stare, he's acting different than normal. He grabs my hand and helps me out of the car then we walk up to the restaurant.
He opens the door for me and then puts his hand on my lower back as I walk in front of him, and we make our way to the front desk. "Reservation under Hossler." Jaden says to the guy at the front. A waitress comes over and grabs two menus then leads us to our table. Jaden pulls out my chair for me and then sits down across from me. "Wow you're being such a gentleman." I say in a sweet tone. He gives me a small smile. "It's weird." I say turning serious.
"What I can't be a gentleman towards my girl?" He asks. "I mean you can, it's just weird. It's not stuff you usually do." I tell him. He grabs my hand across the table. "I know, I've been a terrible boyfriend. I promise I'm going to be better from now on." He says. "Jaden stop, you have been an amazing boyfriend. Okay? I don't need car doors opened for me or chairs pulled out for me. Just you being you is enough." I reply as I give his hand a small squeeze.
"Well I just feel like you deserve better." He says pulling me in for a small kiss across the table. After our little moment we open our menus to see what to order. The waitress comes back and asks us what our orders are. To my surprise she actually paid some attention to me unlike the last two waitresses. Wow, this is new. Jaden and I make small talk until our food comes.
"I just want to make it clear now, you better not try what you did last time we went out to eat. I'm paying and that's final." He says. I roll my eyes and smile at him. "Jaden." I whine. "Nope, I'm not arguing about this. I'm paying." He says. "Are you ever gonna let me pay for anything?" I ask. "Yeah, but not when it's my idea to take you to dinner." He replies and I give him a pouty look. He rolls his eyes. "How about this, we can go get dessert after this and you can pay for that." I immediately perked up. "Yes, yes let's do that." I say overexcited.
When we finish our food we go up to the register so he can pay and then we make our way back to the car. Jaden drives to the grove because we decided to just look around there for a dessert place.
"How about there?" I ask pointing to a cute little patisserie. Jaden looks and nods. I grab his hand and pull him over to the shop. We order our dessert and I pay then we walk back to the car. We decided to get our dessert to go so we could finish our date in his room.
When we get home we sneak back through the back door. Luckily nobody was in the second living room otherwise they would've seen us. As soon as we got to the main part of the house we sprinted upstairs to avoid getting caught. We get up to Jaden's room and he goes to his closet and gets a pair of sweats and a shirt for me to change into. I go to the bathroom to change and I take off my makeup at the same time.
When I walk back into the room I see Jaden sitting on his bed. He was shirtless and just wearing a pair of sweats. I go and sit on his bed with him as he puts on Netflix and we eat our dessert. These are the moments I live for. Not having to keep up an image for the public or having to give certain relationship content to the fans. This right here is all I want. Time between us where we can just enjoy each others company and have fun.
Jaden and I spent the rest of the night talking until I slowly dozed off in his arms.
*the next morning*
I woke up to an empty bed, which was surprising. Jaden doesn't usually wake up this early. I get out of bed and make my way downstairs where I see Bryce and Josh in the kitchen. "Morning boys." I say sitting down at the island. They don't say anything. They just look at each other and then look back at me and smirk. "What?" I ask. "Who's shirt is that?" Bryce says smirking and taking a sip of his orange juice. I look down and realize I'm still wearing Jaden's clothes. How stupid can I be?
"Ohh ummm I don't know, I just found it in my room." I say. "Does Jaden have a habit of leaving clothes in your room. Because those are his sweatpants too." Josh says. "I don't know maybe they got mixed up in the laundry." I shrug. "Hmmm and where were you last night?" Josh asked. "What do you mean? I was at home." I replied. "Hmm did you stay in someone's room because we came to your room and you weren't there." Josh said.
"I'm not in the mood for this shit, it's too early." I roll my eyes and walk to the fridge. I grab some grapes and walk back over to my seat. "Anyways, have you guys seen Jaden?" I ask. "Oh because you didn't see enough of him last night?" Bryce asked. I rolled my eyes. "Have you assholes seen him or not?" I asked again. Josh laughed. "He's in the studio."
I get up from my seat and start walking out of the kitchen when Bryce yells something. "Just because the studio is sound proof doesn't mean you guys can do stuff in there." He says. I turn around and walk back to the kitchen to flick him off then walk out again, and I can hear them laughing.
I get to the studio and walk in to see Jaden sitting at the table doing something on his laptop. "Good morning." I say walking over to him. "Good morning beautiful." He says pulling me down to sit on his laps as he kisses me. "Watcha doing?" I asked looking at his laptop. "Just experimenting with some beats for my new song." He replies.
For about an hour we just hang out in the studio as Jaden is playing around with different sounds. I was currently laying on the couch when Jaden came over to me. "I'm done. You wanna go upstairs?" He asks pulling me off the couch. We go up to my room and sit out on my balcony just hanging out. It was still pretty early in the morning so there wasn't much to do.
I hear a knock on my bedroom door and Josh and Bryce walk in and then walk over to my balcony. "We're going to the gym do you lovebirds wanna come?" Bryce asks. "Sure." I reply and look at Jaden. "I'm down." He says. The boys leave my room so I can change.
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I put this on and put my hair in a ponytail, then went downstairs to meet the boys.
I just have something important to say. I appreciate that there are so many of you that are enjoying this story. It makes me so happy to see all the support. However I just ask that you guys are patient with my updates. Some days I have time to update twice and other days I might not be able to update at all. I'm completely fine with you guys commenting that you want an update because it tells me you guys like the story, but pls be kind about these comments. I don't really like the comments that seem demanding saying things like "update or are u updating today? or when are u gonna update?"
I appreciate the support and the kind comments saying like "I love this pls update soon, or update when you can."
All I'm really trying to get you guys to understand is that when single accounts comment update 4 or 5 times in one day it doesn't exactly motivate me. Writing a book like this takes a lot of thinking and a lot of work, so an update isn't going to happen 5 mins after a chapter is posted.
Also I just want you guys to know that I'm currently dealing with all my final school stuff. It's my senior year and I have a lot of stuff that I have to get done in the next two weeks. I'm also working on top of that bc I'm considered an "essential worker."
I just wanted to let you guys know. The demand and pressure that comes from certain comments is not going to make an update come quicker so I just ask that you guys be patient.