THIS CHAPTER WILL MENTION RAPE AND ABUSE. IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS DO NOT READ ANY OF THE PARAGRAPHS BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING EMOJIS. Start:⚠️⚠️ End:💚💚"What did you say?" I asked. I was genuinely confused, I didn't think he felt that way. "Nailea, you don't have to say it back okay. I'm not trying to pressure you into saying it. I just wanted to tell you. I feel like you deserve to know that someone loves and cares for you." He says. I look at him and give a cheesy smile. "Say it again." I said. "I love you Nailea." He said pulling me into a kiss. A few seconds into the kiss I smile into it then pull away. I take a deep breath and face my fears. "I love you too Hossler." I smile.
He pulled me into another sweet kiss. One of his hands was resting on my lower back and the other was on the side of my neck. One of my hands was on the back of his neck and the other was playing with his hair. The kiss started to get heated and all of a sudden Jaden got a little rough with it. It caught me off guard and I pulled away. "Umm." I said. "Fuck,
I'm sorry baby." Jaden replies."No, no it's fine." I say turning away from him and straightening myself up. "No it's not. I made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry." He says. "Jaden it's okay. It's my fault anyways, I guess I'm just really guarded." I tell him. "Did, something happen?" He asked with caution in his voice.
I sighed. I usually don't tell people this but I guess I might as well tell him. I'm nervous though that he's going to look at me different or not wanna be with a girl that has this much emotional baggage.
"Umm, so when I was 13 I was walking home from school one day and a guy came up to me. He asked to borrow my phone so he could call his ride to pick him up. I allowed him to and as he handed me back my phone he picked me up and threw me into the back of a van." I said starting to tear up. Jaden rubbed my thigh giving me some comfort. "Baby it's okay, you don't have to tell me if you're not ready." He says.
"No I want you to know why I'm so fucked up mentally." I reply. He nods and let's me continue. "When we were in the back of the van he was being very violent with me. And the more I resisted the worse it got. He forced my clothes off of my body and then forced himself onto me. So many things were done to me in the back of that van that have let emotional scars on me since then." I say.
At this point I was balling my eyes out. "When he decided he was done with me they dropped me off naked in the middle of the woods and just threw my clothes at me. I had to find my way back home. When I finally made it home everyone was asking what happened, but I felt like I was in the wrong so I lied and said I stayed back for tutoring. It took me 4 months to build up the courage to tell anyone, and to this day the only people that know are my family and you." I tell him.
"Since then I've had these scars emotionally attached to me. And I've tried my very best to forget about the whole incident but it always crawls back into my mind." I say. "Yanno when people say that your rapist steals your innocence from you?" I choke out through tears. Jaden nods tearing up as well as he grabs my hand. "Well it's a lot deeper than it seems. I mean a year after that started high school and I was a whole new person.
I was getting into fights, drinking, smoking (weed), partying. All because I didn't want to seem weak about what happened, and I wanted to hide it from people by being a different person. And it sucks because I never wanted to be the problem child, but I was. All because some asshole thought he could take my right away from me." I say. I was almost yelling at this point as I was trying to say everything through the tears.
I could tell all of this was a lot for Jaden. He was crying too which I didn't really expect. "Why would you share something so personal with me?" He asks. "Because I trust you. And I know that you have such a kind heart that this isn't something you'll take lightly or judge me for." I say. "And I just feel like it's something to help me warn you about what kind of baggage comes with me and like why I have these walls up." I continue.
"So is that the reason why...." He trails off and I nod. "Ever since that incident when I get to a certain point with boys my mind gets triggered. With Brayden he never seemed to care if I wanted to stop, and then when it led to an anxiety attack he just got mad. With you it didn't get that far but usually my mind does go into a shutdown state." I say.
"So did Brayden do the same thing as that guy?" He asked. I could tell he wasn't being nosy. I can't explain it but part of me could tell how closely he was listening to me. Like he wanted to get as much information as possible to make sure I was always comfortable with him. "No. We never got that far, I didn't feel like he was the right one." I say. "So technically I do still count myself as a virgin. Even if people think it's stupid based on my incident." I say.
"Well I personally think you have the right to say you are. Losing your virginity is a choice that we all have the right to make. And you got that taken away from you, but nothing says you can't take it back and still make your own decisions moving forward." He says and I flash him a smile. "Also thank you for telling me all this. I would never want to put you in a situation that you don't feel comfortable in. So from now on whatever we do, it's on your terms. Okay?" He asked. I nod and look down. I was kind of embarrassed of everything that I just told him. And now he might think I'm a prude or something.
Jaden puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head to look at him. "Hey, you don't need to be ashamed of this. I'm not like that asshole Brayden. Okay? And I don't see you any different." He tells me as a smile breaks onto my face. "Actually I do." Immediately my smile dropped. I knew it, he was going to think I'm weak, or blame or judge me. "Now I see the real you, a strong and beautiful girl who has been through so much shit that she didn't deserve. But instead of giving up she pulled through it and showed everybody that she is a fighter." He said.
After hearing that I just broke down. That wasn't the response that I was expecting from him.Jaden stood up and helped me stand up to and then pulled me into a hug. "Let's go home bubs." He said. I nodded. He picked up our stuff and then we made our way back to the car. I fell asleep on the way home from crying so much.
UWUUUUU....... honestly my last two chapters...
love. I feel like this chapter is really building the bond between Jaden and Nailea in a different way of testing the relationship.Is Nailea going to be more comfortable around Jaden now that he knows her secret?
Is Jaden going to stay by her side or slowly push her away now that he knows?

Meant To Be//Jaden Hossler//Completed
Fanfiction"I know with all my heart and all my soul that we are meant to be."