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Jaden looked at me and didn't say anything. At this point I was getting frustrated, if he didn't start explaining I was gonna leave him here and go find Jace. Honestly I shouldn't even be here with Jaden, I should be with my boyfriend.

"Jaden, explain. Why the hell would you get in a fight with my boyfriend, what's your problem with him?" I ask raising my voice. He just dropped his head and that made me feel bad for yelling at him. "Jaden I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you I just want an explanation." I say grabbing a facecloth and wetting it under the sink. I walk over to Jaden and stand in between his legs. I grab his face lightly to face me so I could clean his cuts. "Jaden can you just tell me why you and Jace got in a fight. I mean are you crazy?" I ask laughing a little.

"Crazy about you." He replies. I take my focus away from his cheek and look into his eyes. "What?" I ask. "You wanted to know why I got into the fight, that's why. Because I'm crazy about you Nailea." He tells me. "Jaden what the hell are you talking about? What even happened?" I ask as I go back to cleaning his cuts. "When you left Jace with his friends I overheard him talking shit about you, and I just lost it." He said.

I'm not sure if I believe him, I don't think that's something that Jace would do. "Okay and what did he say?" I asked quietly. "Nailea, no. I'm not getting into that I don't want to see you hurt." He said. The look in his eyes made me start to believe that he was telling the truth. "Jaden please." I say.

He sighs, grabs both of my hands and looks into my eyes. "He kept talking about how he was using you for clout, he knew that you were getting bigger everyday and he wanted to grow off of that. Then he was talking about how he has a girlfriend but she's at college and he was going to breakup with you once he started gaining followers. And then he was bragging to his boys about how he could probably manipulate you into doing anything and he was going to try and get you to have sex with him tonight." He says.

Before he could even finish talking I started to tear up. When Jaden finished telling me everything he pulled me into a hug. I rested my head on his chest and he was stroking my hair as he tried to calm me down. "Oh babygirl I'm so sorry, I hate seeing you like this." We stayed like that for at least 10 mins until I finally calmed down. I stood up straight and looked at Jaden, my eyes still full of tears. He put his hand to my cheek and wiped a few away. "Hey beautiful, don't cry okay. He's not worth it. You deserve way more than a piece of shit who doesn't treat you like a queen." I just gave him a small smile.

We sat in silence for a few minutes and I just spent time in my thoughts, and all of a sudden my emotions got the best of me. I just had to let it all out. Jaden pulled me back into his chest. "I just don't understand am I not good enough? I've only ever been in 2 relationships and I got cheated on in both of them. Like what's wrong with me?" I was rambling until Jaden cut me off. "Hey hey, nothing is wrong with you. You are so gorgeous and definitely the most genuine person I've ever met. If a guy doesn't know your worth then he's the problem. Any guy would be lucky to be with you and if they mess it up then they are just stupid." He says to me.

Everything Jaden was saying was making me feel better but I didn't understand why he was being so nice. I haven't been the greatest friend to him these past few weeks. "Jaden why are you doing this?" I ask. "Doing what?" He asked looking down at me. I pulled away from our hug. "Why would you stand up for me against Jace, why are you saying all these things and trying to make me feel better?" I ask. "Like I said earlier, I'm crazy about you." He says. "What does that even mean?" I'm so confused right now.

"It means I like you Nailea. Is that what you wanna hear?" I just sat there shocked. I had a feeling he didn't like Jace but I didn't know it was because he liked me. "Jaden." I say. That's all I could get out. "Look Nailea, I'm not gonna try anything with you, you're in a relationship. But just so you know this is why I've been acting like this around you and Jace. When you two got together I was so jealous and that's why Ellie was over here all the time, I needed a distraction. I couldn't stand seeing you with Jace. And I couldn't stand hearing him talk shit about the girl I liked, so I had to do something." He started saying a few more things but I zoned out just staring at him.

I cut him off a grabbed his face. Our faces were inches apart as I was staring into his beautiful eyes. "Nailea I-." I cut him off again. "Hossler stop talking so I can kiss you." I laughed. I don't think I've ever seen him smile so hard. And with that he closed the gap between us and pressed his lips to mine. After a few seconds I deepened the kiss. The kiss was so sweet and passionate. I could feel butterflies forming in my stomach and it's something only Jaden has ever made me feel.

All of a sudden Jaden pulled away "Nailea we can't do this. You have a boyfriend who is right downstairs ." He says. I look down at my feet. He's right. Even though Jace is an asshole he technically is still my boyfriend. I grab the facecloth and clean up the rest of his cuts and walk out of the bathroom leaving him there. I don't feel like going back to the party but I need to be alone so I go up to the roof.

For the rest of the night I just sit there, thinking to myself and occasionally crying. It was about 2 am when I heard footsteps come up behind me. I turn around and see Josh.

"Hey bean, what's wrong?" He asked pulling me into a hug. I let a few tears fall from my eyes. "I don't even know. Jaden told me about everything that happened with Jace and then he told me he has feelings for me and I kissed him, but then he told me it wasn't right for us to do that. And I honestly don't know for sure but I think I have feelings for Jaden." I was rambling on and on. Josh just hugged me tighter. "Well I can't tell you what to do or what to want, but I'm just going to give my opinion as your brother. I know Jaden is a good guy, and you guys would be good for each other." He says to me.

I look down and fiddle with my hands. Would Jaden and I really be good together or are we better off as friends?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <3

Is Nailea going to break up with Jace?
Is Ellie still in Jaden's life?
What did the kiss mean to Jaden and Nailea?

Meant To Be//Jaden Hossler//CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now