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izuku pov 

i didnt want breakfast since i dont really feel hungry so i tole my dads fiancée that i'd eat later though i probaly wouldnt . so i was just on my phone till they finished . we all got in the car and dropped erei off at elementary school . " izuku please wear a seat belt " hizashi said " nope , i like being able to douge anything bad like bullets thanks " i said they rolled their eye's . we made it to ua and i folled my father to my class , im gonna have to find somewhere to smoke at break and lunch . i sighed i saw a whole class of goodie two shoe's heck even the bullies look like they have a bed time and follow it . " YOU ARE BREECHING THE DRESS CODE YOUR NOT IN APPROIATE WEAR " shouted some robot kid " ' not appreate ' strange i didnt think i was dressed like a stripper maybe you have a kink for uniforms that's probaly it a uniform kink , i could come in as a sexy nurse " i offered making the class laugh and him fume in anger " izuku knock it off dont start a fight on your first " said dad " you know your no fun right but then again your my father so it's expected " i said .

" getting in due to your father anit cool dude " said some kid " nah im in here for the rehabilitation program mum was done with my shit and shipped me off to dads hadn't seen him since i was like two but yeah im ment to become a decent human being or some shit well thats the jist i got " i said bordly " what's your quirk probaly weak " said some girl with a shitty poney tail " well shitty poney tail , my quirks kinda tempremental so i have to wear power braces to help me control my powers better so i can only really sip at it's power but i can us wind , warter , air , fire , ice , electrcity and force mulipulation . the amount of times i accidently melted a door nob or froze my warter bottles sucked so power braces stop that from happening " i explained " you had such a stong quirk and you wasted it by drinking and doing drugs " my father said hitting me over the head i douged and shrugged at him . 

i took my seat and didnt lisen to a word said but then again i struggle to lisen to anyone for more than like 10 minuets . the bell went and i walked out , time to find somewhere to smoke i doubt anyone wants to be my friend so im fine on that point . i sighed walking down round onto the back field behind the school and behind a hill and took out my ciggeretts , i anit eating today i dont feel like it . i dont feel like anything to be honest i mean theres so much i could be apart of and do but i just dont feel like im involved or get into it . " you know smoking is bad for you right " i herd i looked up and at the top of the hill was some purple haired kid from class " herd it enough from my mum but i dont really care " i said tiredly . he sat next to me , he was taller than me but that's normal since im pretty short . " you sound tired " he said " i dont get much sleep , i got a problem with insomnia " i said " i feel ya got that too and it sucks cause you cant choose when you do sleep but most of the time it's like an hour to two hour's of sleep " he said .

" why are you here " i asked " to be honest i come here normally and you were there since im not really friends with anyone in the class " he said i nodded " i guess we'll be hanging out then " i said chuckling . turns out his name is shiso and we had a nice conversation about insomnia and cat's . " so wild child got any tattoo's " asked shinso " yeah but their on my shoulders " i said " i thought you'd have more " he said " not really i have a small bucay of flowers in the middle , a gutair on my right and a blue heart on my left shoulder . im not much of a tattoo person , i get bored easily plus those tattoo's i got have got meaning " i said calmly " ah so your somewhat sentimental " he said " maybe , i dunno i was fucking wrecked at the time i got them and a guy who was drinking with me his brother did the tattoo's . they're not bad and i quite like them and im glad my drunk ass self put them somewhere i can conceal " i said 

me and shinso got up and started walking back to class . it was some ethics class or somthing . " if an old lady is fallen what do you do " everyone said to help her up and shit heck im really not a hero . " izuku what about you " asked lady mignight i sighed " sare at her a bit if she gets up and fine oh well if she dosent get up call 911 and walk off and if others are there leave it to them to help her out and carry on through your day " i said bordly " no what the fuck that's not what your surposed to do " said some blonde haired kid " it's what i'd do in the situation sorry that im honest. " i said " alright izuku what would you do if someone is beat up " she asked " laugh maybe depends i see beatup people oftern most of the time it's their fault so if it's someone i dont like it's karma getting them back so i laugh and if its someone i dont know i might just call 911 cause i anit getting blood on me that shit's discusting " i said " you have got a bad moral compus " said some girl 

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