chapter 2

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when elena and bella got to new orleans before walking in elena knelt by her daughter

"where are we mom" isabella asked

"were seeing some old friends" elena smiled she was scared but she knew that if they found out then they just found out

"ok" bella yawned she was still sleepy

"ok if anyone asks whats your birthday" elena said

"August 18" bella siad her mom pre prepped her on the what to say if anyone asked

"last name" elena asked

"gilbert" bella said

"do you know who your dad is" elena asked

"no you never told me about him" bella lied she knew about her dad his name what he looked like she just wasn't supposed to tell anyone that

"good lets go in" elena said she stood up and took bella's hand and the two walked in all the originals plus freya marcel and davina were waiting

"i honestly thought you'd try to flake out and not show up" klaus siad

"tempting trust me it was really tempting but when i make a promise i actually keep it" elena said

"good to know same attitude you just got a hair cut" rebekah smirked

"ok do you wanna do the spell now" freya asked

"yeah bella close your eyes and count to 50" elena said

"ok" bella said she closed her eyes and started counting in her head elena went over by freya and freya cut her wrist and  let the blood drop into the bowl and started the spell

freya finished the spell and the blood disapeared"its done"

elena's wrist healed and bella ran over to elena"i'm done"

"how do you time it correctly" haley asked

"i don't know depending on what it is" elena said she didn't want bella to see magic cause she knows that she should be able to do it

"ok let me show you to your room you'll love it" haley said elena and bella followed haley she led them to a room she opened i and they were both amazed it was a huge room aqua blue walls it was a kitchen living room they walked further in and there were three doors elena opened 1 and it was a room with pink walls with boxes in the corner a twin bed a desk and different things for isabella she opened the other room and it was a queen bed black and white walls a desk bookshelf  and then there was a box in the corner  she opened the last door and it was a bed with black and white walls she assumed it was a guest roo,

"mom looks" bella said she walked into bella's room and bella was messing with the boxes she opened them and one was a bike dolls a tablet headphones

"wanna go say thank you" elena said she vamped downstairs and haley and elena followed her

"thank you" bella smiled

"your welcome" klauss smiled

"what is she doing here" bella said

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