chapter 19

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Elena was sitting in her room sitting in the corner. Kol and Bella walked into the room.

"You ok" Bella asked

"Yeah im fine" Elena said

"What's wrong" Kol asked he sat down next to her

"Something doesn't feel right my stomach hurts" Elena said.

"I'm sorry i gotta go please becareful mom i gotta go give hope a magic lesson on this spell" Bella said. Elena nodded and Bella vamped out.

Kol handed Elena his wrist."Here drink maybe this will help."  She took his arm and bit into his wrist. After a few minutes she let go of his arm. Then she layed her head on his shoulder."Do you feel better"

"A little i don't think i had been drinking enough blood" Elena said.

"Your going to need to drink more your not feeding for 1 or even 2 your feeding for 3" Kol said.

"I know i'll start feeding better i promise" Elena yawned.

"Come on you should get some sleep you were up half the night" Kol said. He helped her up and to the bed. He helped her lay down in her bed."Go to sleep darling you need your rest." He kissed her on her forehead turned off the light and left the room.

--2 months later

Elena was sitting on her bed in her room it had been a long couple of weeks.

Caroline walked into Elena's room."I got a girls day planned you in"

"Sure" Elena sighed. She knew that she needed to get out of the room. She rubbed her stomach even though she wasn't even three months yet she looked like she was. She followed Caroline downstairs where Hope, Isabella, Haley, Cami, Bonnie, Lexi Jenna, Freya and Rebekah.

"What are we doing today" Lexi asked.

"I was thinking we can go get takeout and sit on the mountains and watch the sunset" Caroline said,

"You had me at takeout" Haley said.

"Aww sunset" Elena said.

"Moodswings" Isabella whispered.

"Your grounded" Elena said.

"Never mind i love your moodswings mom" Bella said.

"Good cover" Lexi said.

They got the take out and they were sitting on the mountains Hope and Isabella made blankets appear and they all sat down.

"So you and Kol how are y'all doing" Bonnie asked.

"Good great you don't how many moodswings he's saved y'all from" Elena said.

"I believe you" Caroline said,

"So how is everyone doing we've all been distant whats new" Cami asked.

"Well i've been tracking Davina i am pretty sure she thinks you to be dead but that might not go well in our favor" Freya said.

"I am getting to know Hope" Caroline said. She was happy that they were gettingto do this since they all barley talked.

"Caroline is not that bad she just talks way to much" Hope said,

"Don't expect me to apologize cause that is something i am not doing i am not sorry that i hurt anyone's feelings y'all deserved it" Isabella said,

"Don't you have a new boyfriend" Lexi cursed. She had always been closer to Isabella  then everyone but Elena.

"Fuck"Isabella cursed. She knew that things were going to go very bad."Do not tell my dad i told him i wasn't dating"

"You told him you weren't dating" Hope said,

"You told uncle Nik the same thing so shut the hell up" Bella said,

"Bella" Elena warned.

"Don't worry about it just don't tell dad please don't tell dad" Isabella said.

"Fine we won't tell him but just don't get comfortable or he'll eventually catch you" Elena said,

"Ok Mom" Bella said.

-- 2 months and 1 week later.

Elena was in her room when Kol walked in with a huge grin on his face."Whats with the face what did you do"

"Come here i want to show you something" Kol said.

"Ok" Elena said. She got up and exited the room. He put his hands over her eyes and led her into the room across.

He removed his hands and said."Open" Elena opened it and gasped when she seen a nursery that had the name Sapphire on the wall there was a door on the right wall that was transparent that led to another nursery she went in and on the wall it said Caleb

"Open" Elena opened it and gasped when she seen a nursery that had the name Sapphire on the wall there was a door on the right wall that was transparent that led to another nursery she went in and on the wall it said Caleb

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"When did you do this" Elena asked

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"When did you do this" Elena asked.

"After we found out the genders last week the girls agreed to shift rooms and Cami helped me to design" Kol said.

"I love it" Elena smiled.

-- 4 months later

Elena was in Sapphire's nursery looking at her beautiful daughter. Haley was due in two weeks and a lot of things had changed, Elena and Kol eloped and she was offically a Mikaelson.  Her twins were born healthy as ever and were 2 weeks old. Cami and Marcel got back together. Everything was going well and she was glad.

Kol walekd into the nursery and wrapped his hands around her waist."You ok"

"Yeah i'm great he go to sleep ok" Elena asked.

"Out like a light" Kol said.

"Thank god he doesn't go to sleep for me only for you" Elena said. She turned around and looked at him.

"Come on you need sleep you really should wake me when they get up" Kol said.

Elena yawned"I'm fine i can handle them in the middle of the night because you take the morning and i get to sleep till one"

"Come on you need some sleep" He took her into there room and helped her under the covers he kissed her on her forehead and turned off the lights and closed the door. He grabbed the baby monitor that they keep in the middle of the twins door way to hear both sides and went downstairs.

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