chapter 9

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elena and caroline were in elena's room

"so her birthday is next week what you doing" caroline asked

"i told rebekah and haley they could plan it already sorry care" elena said

"its fine there family" caroline sighed she wasn't mad she knows that this is there first birthday with bella

bella walked out of her room"good morning mom"

"morning bella want to go see cami she said she had a present for you" elena said

"ok" bella said

"i'll get her dress" caroline said she walked in bella's room with her while elena grabbed bella's bottle of blood out the fridge for her

caroline put bella on a sun dress that was yellow with black dots and flipflops they went back to where elena was

"mom look" bella said and she spun around

"i wish i could see her real hair" caroline whinned

"just know she looks beautiful" elena smiled she loved her daughters brown hair

"lets go downstairs and let everyone see how beautiful you are" caroline said the three walked downstairs and as usual they were all down there

"love your dress bella" rebekah said

"thanks bekah" bella smiled

"i'm going to see cami she had something she wanted to give to bella before her birthday" elena said

"wait have you talked to cami since you sent her that" haley asked

"no so she's gonna have some hurtful words" elena said

"see y'all later" bella said they went to cami's house she was sitting on the couch

"you look beautiful bella" cami smiled

"thanks" bella said

"here" cami said she handed bella a small box

bella opened it and it was a locket"cool"

"open it" cami said bella opened it and it was a picture of her and elena

"thanks cami" bella siad she loved it

"wanna put it on" elena said

"yeah" bella noddded she loved it it was the best gift ever in her opinion

bella lifted her hair and elena put the necklace

"thanks cami its the best present ever" bella squealed

"how about you go watch tv in my room why i talk to your mom" cami said

"ok" bella said she ran in cami's room

"elena that audio she threatened you and your not doing anything" cami said

"are you still practicing magic" elena asked she knew when they had first met years ago she had been practicing

"yeah i am why" cami said she didn't like people to know she was a witch she kept that secret she didn't tell people that she couldn't be compelled

"just asking" elena said she wasn't too worried about the threat but davina was begining to get unstable and thats what she was worried about what davina might decide to do

"but thats not the point elena i don't trust davina you basically told her that if you wanted him you could have him that is what you said what if she tries to do something to you or bella" cami said she was scared for her cousins she didn't know what she would do if anything happened to them

"if she does something she is dead eitehr way cami there's nothing to worry about" elena said she didn't know if it was true or not but she was hoping that it was she wouldn't be able to handle herself if something happened to bella

"ok elena if your sure" cami said

"i'm gonna get back ok see you cami" elena said

"be safe please" cami said

"i will" elena sighed she knew she had to cami was really the only family she had left she couldn't loose him to"bella its time to go"

bella ran out the room "bye cami"

elena and cami headed back to the compound and found haley and hope playing"hey"

"how was it" haley asked

"she's scared i'm not just worried that she'll do something stupid" elena said

"knowing davina she probably will we got everything for her birthday" haley said

"yay" bella yelled

"how about you and hope go to your room while i talk to haley" elena said

"ok" hope and bella said and they both vamped upstairs

"cami was pissed like mad that i'm not doing anything pissed" elena siad

"thats the way things are she's scared your the last of her family elena if something happens to you she won't have anyone else" haley said

"i know but i need something to happen to me" elena whispered

"what are you thinking" haley said

"i'm gonna disapear for a while i don't know how but i need to there's something going on and i need to be able to figure it out" elena said

"ok what do i have to do" haley asked

"keep an eye on her for me i trust kol but without me around its dangerous" elena said

"alright i'll do what i can" haley said

"thanks haley" elena said

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