Chapter 21

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it was 4 A.M the next morning. Kol woke up because he heard sniffling. Elena was still sleep on his chest. He carefully moved her and got up. He listened in and seen it was coming from Isabella's room.

Lexi and Jenna walked out there rooms."Is that Bella"

"I think so" Kol whispered. The three walked into her room. Bella was on the floor crying and Hope was unconcious.

"Isabella what happened" Jenna asked. She was trying to keep her voice to a whisper.

Kol knelt next to his daughter."Bella what happened"

Her voice was coming out shaky."Mom told me to stop sneaking out i didn't listen Hope came with me someone attacked us" She pulled up her sleeve. Showing a werewolves bite."Bit me and threw her against the wall she won't wake up i told her not to come with me she didn't listen."

"Lexi go wake up my siblings Jenna can you get Elena Haley and Cami" Kol ordered.


Lexi ran out the penthouse and knocked on Caroline and Klaus' door. She opened it"Get up your daughter is unconcious" She ran to Elijah's and opened the door."Lijah we got a problem Bella got bit." She went to Rebekah's door. and Opened it"Your neices are hurt". She walked back into the penthouse and they were in there five minutes later.

Jenna ran into Cami's room and turned on her light."Get up we need help," She went to Haley's and opened the door and turned on the light."Haley Hope is hurt" She went to Elena's room. She knew that this was going to be the hardest. She went over and shook Elena.

"What the hell Jenna" Elena groaned.

"Isabella has a werewolf bite and Hope's unconcious" Jenna said.

Elena shot up."WHAT"

"Come on" Jenna said. Elena vamped to her daughters room.

Elena went and knelt by Kol who was still by Bella."What happened."

"She went unconcious it was an accident we were attacked mom i should have listened" Bella teared.

"Nik give her blood i got Hope" Elena said She moved over to where Haley was knealing by Hope. She bit her wrist and forced Hope to drink."She'll be up in a few hours she'll need rest like a couple years ago just watch her"

"I don't get how you stay so calm i'm freaking out" Haley said.

"Me and Caroline used to sneak out of our windows when we were there age i've seen a lot worse and you can help them faster when you worry about how to help instead of whats going on" Elena said. She turned to the other adults"Can y'all go find who did this."

"Got it" Everyone vamped out except Kol and Haley.

"Cami there windows need to be magically shut and can you put up a few protection spells" Elena said. She didn't want them sneaking out there windows ever again.

"Ok" Cami said.

"Bella your grounded" Elena said.

"Ugh" Bella groaned. Haley picked up Hope and carried her to her room.

Elena got up to go check on the kids but thought of something and turned around."By the way your daughter lied to you about dating" She walked out and went to Sapphire's room. She opened the door and seen her daughter sleeping. Then she went through the sliding door and seen Caleb sleep in his crib. She walked out and seen Cami in the hallway."Can you make sure to spell the twins and Jake window if there stupid enough to attack the girls who have training i'm afriad of what someone will try."

"Hey its fine i'll do some spells to help i'm not letting them get hurt." Cami said. She went into Sapphires room.

After Elena left out Kol looked at his daughter."What"

"Umm you weren't supposed to find that out and she wasn't supposed to tell you" Bella whinned. She couldn't believe her mother traded on her.

"You told me you weren't dating" Kol groaned."The last thing that i want to worry about is killing some guy who hurts you same with Hope"

"I'm sorry but come on i'm a teenager mom was dating at my age" Bella argued. She didn't get what the big deal was.

"She didn't date me until she was 18" Kol said.

"What am  i not allowed to make a few mistakes" Bella said.

"No" Elena said. Bella looked and seen her at the door.

"I almost got myself killed. Ran into a fire went to chase werewolves on a full moon i even almost killed every vampire ever don't be like me" Elena siad.

"You what" Bella gasped.

"Yeah Rebekah, Your dad, Nik, Elijah your other uncle i helped kill Finn i almost killed all of them that was the night i met your dad and we started. I felt bad so before he got a chance i sure he knew it was toxic" Elena said.

"Ok i didn't know that" Bella said,

"For some reason everyone thinks we started in denver don't know why its interesting." Elena said. She went and sat next to her daughter."But that is not the moral of why i told him i told you when i had Sapphire and Caleb no more sneaking out cause with three newborns me and Haley don't want drama you know i am not nice with no sleep Caroline knows how protective i am and this is not the type of childhood we want for Caleb, Sapphire or Jake is it"

"No mom its not how long am i grounded" Bella asked.

"Me and Haley are going to talk about that when Hope wakes up 3 weeks at least it depends how long it takes her to wake" Elena said,

Bella looked down at the floor and whispered."I'm sorry mom"

"I know get some sleep i'll wake you when she gets up" Elena Helped Bella up and have her a hug."I'm not angry with you your a teenager just get some sleep"

"OK mom"

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