chapter 10

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it was the day before issabella's birthday june 7th elena got up to go wake her daughter but couldn't find her

"bella" elena yelled she didn't get a response caroline walked out of the room yawning

"whats wrong" caroline asked

"i can't find bella" elena said this wasn't normal for bella to disapear was the only thing running through elena's mind

"what do you mean you can't find bella" caroline said then she smelled something "what is that"

"shit its sage" elena said and elena vamped downstairs she knew that there was something going on

"why do i smell sage throughout the whole place" kol said to his brothers and sisters

"so we wouldn't hear bella screaming" elena said she was scared she was mad that someone had snuck under her nose and kidnapped her daughter and there was nothing she could do about it

"what" haley asked she couldn't believe what was going on how elena was feeling

"she's not here sage blocks hearing even vampire hearing" elena said

"elena a note" caroline yelled and vamped downstairs giving it to elena

"told you i'd end you" elena said she really wanted to kill davina at this point

"i can do a tracking spell" freya said she went and grabbed a map

"who would go after bella" kol said

"your crazy girlfriend who hates elena threateened her i'll end you were her words" caroline said

"she can't be missing i said this would happen that someone was going to come for  her i told y'all that when people started to figure it out something was gonna happen to her" elena said

"breath elena" caroline said she didn't like seeing her best friend in pain

"don't tell me to breath my daughter is  missing this bitch took her i'm her mother i'm supposed to protect her and i couldn't caroline you telling me to breath isn't helping i've potected her for the last 6 years and nows she's missing" elena said"i should have stayed in mystic falls i might've been by myself but then this wouldn't be happening"

caroline walked by elena and grabbed her by the shoulders"even there she was at risk will get her back just calm down"

elena flipped her on the ground"my 4 year old daughter is missing i don't want to calm down if you were in my situation you'd do the same thing"

freya came back in and layed the map out and elena walked over and gave her the wrist freya did the spell but it didn't work"why isn't it working"

"because davina's a smart bitch someone get me cami" elena said and rebekah vamped out and back in with cami"try to do this spell your stronger"

"your a witch" everyone yelled

cami walked over and tried the spell"there blocking your blood elena"

"how they can't do that" haley said

"can if there strong" cami said

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